Chapter 26

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After our time at the cemetery, Sin and I drove for about twenty minutes before we eventually pulled into a parking-lot connecting to the beach. I was beyond shocked and a little intimidated. I don't have a swimsuit with me, I've never really been swimming, and Sin's never seen me in anything less than my crop tops and shorts. 

"Sin, I don't have a swimsuit! Why didn't you tell me to bring one?" I asked. 

Sin chuckled and responded, "Because that would've spoiled the surprise. Besides, I came prepared." Sin handed me a bag and gestured to a bathroom behind me. 

"Go change and meet me on the beach, okay?" He stated. 

"Okay." I said shyly as I turned around and walked over to the bathrooms. 

There were a few stalls with toilets and a few others were showers. I chose to go into one with a toilet because I really had to pee. 

I pulled out the suit from the bag and gasped. 

"How in the world am I supposed to fit into this?!" I yelped. 

The bikini Sin had given me was entirely too small. I have double Ds and this tiny string thing was just not going to work. I then noticed there was something else in the bag. 

Oh thank Goddess, I thought. It's another suit and this time, way more fitting. 

It was a black two piece with  a ruffled top and slits on the sides of the bottoms

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It was a black two piece with  a ruffled top and slits on the sides of the bottoms. I was feeling very self-conscious. I've never worn something so provocative. I just hope I don't look as stupid as I feel. 

With that being done, I put my original outfit and the too small bikini back into the bag and made my way out of the bathroom. Sin told me to meet him on the beach but I had no idea where on the beach he'd be. I mean, how can you tell a girl just to meet you on the beach that is stretched for miles? Especially a girl with such poor direction skills like me. 

I roll my eyes and continue the journey down the ramp onto the hot white sand. The sun was shining brightly down upon the sand and sea, which I had to admit, was so beautiful. I've never been to the beach before and I quite love the smell of salt that filled my nostrils. 

I didn't have any sunglasses so I put my hand over my eyes and scanned the beach. There weren't too many people here to my surprise so that eased my anxiety. I finally made eye contact with Sin and holy tartar sauce. 

I nearly dropped the bag in my hand along with my jaw. Sin had nothing but some swim-trunks on and he was coming out of the ocean with water dripping down from his hair, across his face, and down to his extremely fit body. If I had icecream in my hand right now that thing would melt in seconds after facing Sin. 

I quickly gathered myself and walked over to him, I'm pretty sure he noticed me checking him out because he had this devilish smirk spread across his lips. 

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