Chapter 14: Sweet Talked

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Look out for the <>!

"El, babe, we're going home for the night," mom said as she brushed some of my hair behind my ear, forcing a smile as if everything was fine. But it wasn't, they were the ones that could go home and I was stuck here for the night.

After mom showed the house earlier today, she came back already crying. Seeing her cry made me cry, and to be honest, we all cried a lot as fear of the unknown ate into all of us.

"We'll be back first thing tomorrow," dad added with a smile.

I wanted to protest, wanting to go home with them, not wanting to stay here for the night. I didn't want to do more tests tomorrow, I just wanted to go home and go back to my normal life and have this be a terrible nightmare. "Ok," I replied.

"We love you, and we'll talk to you tomorrow," dad said as he slipped on his winter puffer coat and shivered. He was used to the warm November weather in China, not the humid '30s of Portland just yet.

I nodded with a yawn, feeling tired already. "Of course. See you then," I said, trying to sound as calm as possible, but inside I was screaming 'don't leave me'.

They smiled lightly, not noticing my internal cries for help, then left without another word, closing the door behind them.

In the room's emptiness, the only thing that would keep me company were my thoughts. All alone with them brought a fresh wave of emotion. Anxiety, frustration, worry, and fear filled my room to the brim as I remembered everything from today and yesterday.

The meeting with Doctor Wells just cemented the idea that I wasn't well. At least everyone thought so, but I didn't want to believe it. There was so much I had to do with Nationals coming up. I had to be 100%; I didn't have time to be sick or be here for that matter.

I ran my hand through my messy and slightly greasy bed hair bun, knowing I couldn't stay here any longer. I had to get out for some fresh air. My thoughts were suffocating me.

Without wasting a minute, I got out of bed and slipped on my ugg boots then put my tan puffer coat on. Nothing was going to make me stay here for another second. I was fine and I would show them that.

I cracked the door open and looked both ways down the empty hall. With the coast clear, it was safe to get out. I zipped my coat and with a destination in mind, I walked out of the room. It was 9 PM and most things were shutting down, but I knew there was one place I could always go to. I walked out quietly down the hall, careful that I didn't draw attention to myself.

"Hey you, there," a voice echoed the halls behind me.

Anxiety took over as I stopped in mid-walk, knowing I was caught. I thought I could get out of here easier. I took a deep breath, and I turned to face a mid-30s looking nurse with a frown. I pointed to myself, as if making sure she actually wanted me, knowing I needed to be confident and fool her.

She nodded, causing her brown curly hair to bounce. She put her hands on her hips as if demanding an answer from me. "Yes you. What are you doing?" she asked, clearly irritated.

"I was visiting someone," I lied.

"Do you know visiting hours are over with? How did you manage to stay an extra hour?"

I shrugged in silence, hoping that was enough of an answer for her.

She stared at me, reading anything and everything that she could from my appearance.

I stood up a little taller as I stared back at her. I was a visitor here, nothing else.

Finally, she sighed, not wanting to deal with me any longer. "Well then, go home. Come back tomorrow if you really want to visit," she said as her pager went off. She sighed loudly and turned on her heels before walking away.

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