Chapter 38: Make You Lose

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Enjoy this double chapter post today! Why aren't you guys lucky?! I can't believe that there is only 3 more chapters after this. Thank you for all of your love and support! Also, look out for the <>!


"Mom, dad! I'm heading out!" I called out to her a week later. I pulled out my phone, knowing I had to get out the front door, Callum would be here in minutes.

"Did you take your medication, El?" mom asked from the top of the stairs. Her curly hair was pulled into a tight bun, making her hair appear straight. Her glasses slid down her face as she looked at me.

I bit my lip. I hadn't taken all of them. In fact, I hadn't done so in a few days. I was hoping she would just forget about it. Since I stopped taking some of my medication, I had felt much better. I had more energy, I was doing better at therapy. It wasn't like I was avoided all the medication I was given, just one in particular. "Yeah, totally have," I said with a fake smile.

She nodded with a smile, happy with my response. "Good. Have fun. I will see you later tonight," she said then walked back into her office.

I threw her a wave then walked outside. I pulled my winter down puffer coat closer to me and shivered. My breath instantly turned into fog as I breathed out. I was freezing. Maybe it wasn't a smart idea to wait out here for him.

I pulled out my phone to check the time. He was late. I hated when people were late. There was time for a reason. I pushed against my fuzzy head to ease the headache. My parents didn't want me to go out today. They thought I had done too much since I did have a blood check then physical therapy this morning. By the time I made it home, I had enough time to take a 2-hour nap and now I was here, ready to get going again.

I was tired, sure. But I convinced myself anyone would be as tired with the schedule I had. I wanted to go to this event. I needed it. This was the first real event I was going to since I got out of the hospital. I needed to show everyone, including myself that I was fine, that I was surviving.

Breaking me from my thoughts was headlights coming closer, pulling into our driveway. I smiled at the car.

Callum rolled down his window in his Range Rover with a smile. He leaned out of his car with a lollypop in his mouth. He grinned slyly at me. "Are you waiting for a ride or something?" he asked me casually.

I rolled my eyes as I slowly got into the car. Since I had gotten out of the hospital I had been working on what the therapist told me almost every day. I was making improvements, like getting in and out of cars, but I still had a long way to go. "Shut up and drive," I said as I put the seat belt on.

He chuckled then sped off down the road. "Just a fair warning, my extended family is kind of crazy too," he said with concern in his voice.

I chuckled at him. "Please, I know your dad. Who could be crazier than that?"

He frowned slightly as if I didn't get it. "My dad is cruel and sadistic, not crazy," he sighed. "I'm just giving you a heads up."

I nodded as I held onto his free hand. I knew that first hand. His father was a monster. That was why Callum spent more time at our house than his own. "I'm excited to meet them," I said as I thought about Allyson's baby shower that we were going to.

There was silence as he drove. He was thinking about something. He looked nervous. He was nervous about me meeting his family, but the thing was, he had nothing to be nervous about. I would love them just like I loved him.

I turned up the music in his car and blasted some upbeat song that was playing on the radio. Oh, that reminded me! "I may have emailed a record label your demo," I said. Since I hadn't been skating, I had a lot more time to work on other things, like Callum's band. I was committed to making them a big name.

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