Chapter 26: Was A Monster

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Happy Friday! I am so excited for the two days of relaxation! Look out for the <>!

I looked around my room with a small smile. I was finally in my own space. Who knew I would have to spend so much time downstairs, forcing myself to eat. Finally, mom gave up and set me loose up here by myself to rest. I never realized that I would miss my room place so much. I walked over to my neatly made bed and laid down. Finally, I was home.

After my parents told me this morning at the hospital that I was going home, that was all I could focus on. Now that I was here, I was happy to be in my own house resting without having nurses walking in and out.

I looked up at the popcorn ceiling and listened to the silent peace my room had. It was quieter here, whereas, downstairs, everyone was busy getting ready for Christmas. But here, in my room, there was silence that gave me time to think. Which wasn't great since I couldn't stop thinking about Callum.

He hadn't responded to any of my texts that I had sent him over the past 2 days. I knew that he might need time to decompress, but I was worried that he would never text me. I knew I hurt him, but I wasn't thinking right. I didn't want to break up. I was stressed and took it out on him. But now that moment was over, I needed him. I was hurting in more ways than one and I just wish he was around to help ease the ache. 

I lightly rubbed my fingers over the gauze on my neck. I had only been home from the hospital for only a few hours and the surgery was only three days ago, but it seemed like my neck was already healing so quickly. I just hoped that they got all of it. They said that they did, but a part of me was still nervous that I would have to go under the knife again. 

But one thing I was grateful for was that I would be back on the ice in no time.

I heard Christmas music start playing downstairs. Mom was in the Christmas spirit or at least trying to get into it. That was one of the reasons why she sent me up here, she wanted me to get out of the way. With Christmas eve tomorrow, there was so much that she wanted to do.

Traditionally I was the one that helped her prepare the food and decorate, but she insisted that I stayed in bed. She said I had no choice in the matter and I didn't fight her. After all, I was tired and needed the rest.

Christmas was so close, but yet it didn't feel like Christmas. This whole Christmas season had been shrouded by my health and skating. Honestly, thanksgiving was the same way. I don't remember exactly what happened on Thanksgiving day. I wish I was more in the Christmas mood, but my mind was so many other places right now.

I felt my phone buzz and picked it up eagerly, looking at the messages, hoping it was finally Callum. Instead, it was a text from Cami. I told her that I wouldn't be around the rink before Christmas because of some family obligations and she believed it easily. I wondered if it was related to that.

"El, what is this?" Cami's text read. I frowned at her cryptic message as I opened the photo she attached to the message. The photo was a screenshot of an article about me on the Weeks. I skimmed the words in the paper quickly. The words, sick, incapable, secretive, lies, eating disorder, cancer all popped out to me.

I felt my eyes fill up with tears as I read the article again as I tried to make sense of it. I couldn't breathe. It was out. My secret was spilled, like a glass of milk, all because of him. He knew how important it was for me to keep this quiet. I was so sure that I could trust him. I was speechless. He stabbed me in the back, after all, we had been through. He told me that he wouldn't share and how could I be so stupid to believe him.

Paulo walked into my bedroom with a smile on his face. His tall stature was standing loose and causal. He had something exciting to share but his smile fell off his face as soon as he looked at me.

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