Chapter 31: What Ellis Meant To Me

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Hiya! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also look out for the <>!

"El, I have to go," Jaimie said the next afternoon. I looked at his messy bed hair and wrinkled clothes. He hadn't gone home since he came to the hospital last night with me. He looked rough and tired with slight bags under his eyes. He didn't need to stay as long as he did, but he didn't want to leave even though our parents and Paulo came back early this morning.

And just like that, we were back to being as thick as thieves again. He would stay here all day if he could but he had to go to a study group. After all his test was two days away and he wanted to keep his grades up.

"For that study group, right?" I asked as I looked up from the food was I trying to force into my mouth. So far, the food was winning this battle. I had lost what little appetite I had since I came in here yesterday.

Jaimie nodded. "Yes, sadly, everyone's meeting at our place for that massive test we have."

"And who is coming?" I asked, trying to pull details out of him. Sometimes it was like pulling out toenails. He was the most sensitive in the family and because of that, he kept his group of friends secretive. I think he was a little embarrassed that Paulo would mess up their friendship, after all, he had done that before.

"Camila Lopez, Cynthia Thoman, Eric Rock, and Walt Li."

"Cami's in your class?" I asked him.

Jaimie nodded. "We got into the same class when the semester changed. You know her?"

I chuckled at him. Of course, he never realized that my best friend was Cami. She had been to our house countless times and practically drooled over Jaimie for years. But of course, he never saw her. He was so clueless, he had a good heart, but he was clueless. "Cami's my best friend from the rink."

His eyes widened in surprise. I could see him drawing the lines together. He wasn't Sherlock now was he? "Oh! That makes complete sense," he said as he thought.

I laughed at him, harder than I had in a while. "Goodness Jaimie," I said as I wiped a tear of laughter from my face.

He shrugged in silence as he thought about something.

I sighed as I mulled over my thoughts. Cami always wanted me to put in a good word for her with Jaimie, but I never thought it was smart because he didn't know her. But now, there was a little light in his eyes as he said her name. If I didn't know any better I would say he had a crush on her. "You know, she has a crush on you," I stated. Please don't hate me, Cami for saying that.

His eyes lit up slightly. I think he was falling for her if I didn't know him any better. "Really?"

I nodded with a chuckle. "For a long time," I said honestly. Actually forever, probably since we moved to Portland.

He was silent. He was interested in her but he didn't want to share.

I picked at the plate of food in front of me and took a bite of salad. I resisted the urge to gag. I didn't want to eat anymore. I couldn't.

Jaimie's phone buzzed and he frowned. "I'm going to be late," he said as he slipped on his green coat.

"Then go!" I said as I threw a raw carrot at him. One less bite of food to eat. Yay.

"I'll see you El. Love you," he chuckled as he left the room without another word and Paulo walked in.

In silence, Paulo strolled over to where Jaimie was sitting and smiled at me. I could see mischief in his eyes. He heard what I said to Jaimie. Oh Paulo, don't mess this up for Jaimie. Just leave him alone.

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