🤧When your sick🤧

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You woke up, and ran to the restroom throwing up. You screamed for your Mom, she bursted into your room "HONEY? ARE YOU ALRIGHT" she ran into the restroom and ran back out, yelling for the squad. You stood up, sure you were dizzy, but you walked anyways. You walked out to see everyone looking at you, you stumbled but kept your feet on the ground. Everyone looked at you concerned, you couldn't walk anymore you fell to the ground, passing out from pain, and the others running towards you. You woke up to everyone sorrounding you, you felt a little better. Charlie came in and hugged you, you just cuddled with Charlie and fell back asleep.

You woke up, and ran downstairs, not swolling anything, you had strep throat. You had tears coming down your eyes, you ran into something, it was a wall. You got up and continued to run, you got into the elevator, and it stopped working, you groaned. The pain was just too much, you fell on the ground with a thud, passing out

Vaggie's P.O.V

I was called to save someone in a elevator, Alastor was going to help me, because I kinda love him. Anyways, he has powers and I dont, he grabbed his microphone "it better not be Angel" he sighed. Everything went red I closed my eyes, when I opened my eyes, Alastor was in the elevator. I walked in he was holding a girl, it was (y/n)! I ran towards her feeling her head, she was hot, I shook her she woke up.

Your P.O.V

You woke up to see Alastor looking pretty concerned abd Vaggie looked like she was about to cry. We looked like a family "are you okay" vaggie blurted out, all you could do was nod. You fell asleep in Vaggie's arms

              Angel Dust
You woke up, shaking, you felt so hot. You walked down the stairs, everyone was awake, you walked up and smiled. You sat down and had some breakfast, you went outside to play. Your friends were there waiting "hello" you greeted. You got tagged you ran after Kendi one of your friends, you grew dizzy, you told them you didn't feel good. You walked home, when you got in you were walking so weirdly. Everyone stared at you confused and concerned. You walked up to your dad and layed on his shoulder and fell asleep. Angel knew exactly what was going on and took you to your bed and gave you time to sleep. Once you woke up, he gave you medicine.

You slept on the couch last night you woke up on the couch, it was 3:46 am. You walked in the kitchen and drank some water. You walked back to the couch and fell asleep. You woke up again and, your dad Alastor was sitting next to you. You felt hot, you felt your head and it burned your skin. You took your hand back "hey Dad" you asked, Alastor turned to you "Yes dear" he returned, your throat burned "I think I'm sick" you broke into a coughing fit, your dad took you in his arms and ran out the door with you. You stopped coughing and wondered what your dad was doing, he looked determined. You went into CVS (yes, CVS is in he**) he got you some flu medicine. Your dad just walked out not paying, you saw a boy from your school walk up to you "what happened to you" your dad stopped and looked at him. This was not going to go good, "im just sick" the boy just realized that my dad was the Radio Demon he looked terrified, you couldn't blame him tho. The boy talked to you a little more before he walked off. You got home and Alastor gave you the pills.

Author-chan: Thank you for reading hopefully you enjoyed if you got ideas please tell me, bye for now my reader's ❤️❤️❤️

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