🙀When you have a panic attack🙀

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I have been through one of these, this is the worst!


You were still on edge, you barely left your Mother's side. You were scared that the women would come back. Everyone was helping you through this. There was a new person who checked in the hotel which didn't help because it looked like the women, but you were called to go help her with something. She specifically requested for you to come, you fell back when you heard this.

You started to breathe heavy and cry catching the attention of Alastor which went to go tell your Mom. You hid and just silently sobbed, you heard your Mom call for you "(Y/n)!" you peeked out and ran into your Mom's comforting arms. She calmed you down and sat your sleeping form on the couch.

                    Vaggie (more of anxiety then a attack)

You were in the lobby of the hotel playing when you heard a person walk down the hall and you hid, that's what you did after you got kidnapped. You suffered from anxiety and now was worse then ever, the person was someone you never saw before, he was also wearing all black.

You got creeped out and hid even harder and somehow fell asleep, you woke up to your Mom calling for you "Huh?" you questioned and got out of your hiding space and found your mom. You walked to her "Hi, sorry I fell asleep!" your Mom hugged you and you hugged back. You ended up having pizza rolls for dinner.


You were playing with fat nuggets when you heard footsteps and for some reason you jumped and ran into a hiding spot which was fairly hard to find. Fat nuggets hid with you and snuggles you. The door slammed opened and showed unfamiliar feet, but you knew everyone so this freaked you or more.

Once the person left you ran out your room, and when you found your dad, you ran into his arms explaining what happened. Alastor searched and found the man, turns out he wasn't the man but he was a creep. And Alastor killed him for trying to mess with his neice!

                                        Alastor (●´⌓'●)

You were in your room playing with toys and and you saw a shadow pass through the window making you scream. You hid under the bed and started to cry thinking the bad guy was coming to get you! You curled up into a ball you heard the door open and you saw your dad's feet.

You heard him call out to you "(y/n)!" your dad said he started to panic. You heard a whisper in your ear "I'm always watching!" you whimpered and scooted out from under the bed and saw your dad looking through your room looking for you. You raced into his arms, he jumped a little then hugged back. You saw your dad have a x across his forehead, you pointed towards your window.

Alastor checked and saw a creep that stalked you, Alastor brutally murdered them before snuggling with you and you guys falling asleep together.

A/n- UGHHHHH! QUARENTINE SUCKSSS! I am so lonely!!!! Anyways, hello! Hoped you enjoyed! Stay safe!

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