🌼 When they save you 🌼

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Charlie p.o.v

I was working and I smelled something burning, I rushed downstairs and Alastor and the rest were downstairs "WHAT HAPPENED" I looked around and saw no sign of (y/n)! I looked at the ground there was (y/n)'s locket that she never loses now something is up. That's when it clicked (y/n)'s been saying she/he has felt watched, she/he had to be taken!

I looked at the others "I know what happened"

Your p.o.v

I woke up to a piercing pain in my head, I groaned "Your awake" I bolted up only to be retrained by this rope! I started to struggle "Let me go!" you screamed the woman laughed "Not until I get that power from you" you titled your head "What is That!" you pointed to this needle. You tried getting away but she injected you with this substance.

You screamed, then a angry Charlie came towards the woman with this death look in her face. You smiled and started to cry "Mom!" Angel came over and untied you, you ran up shooting a fireball put of your hand "Let's get out of here" your Mom picked you up and you guys left.

Vaggie p.o.v

I groaned as I heard Alastor's voice "Dear are you alright" then it clicked she saw a man carry (Y/n) out then he took my energy making me pass out! I growled "(y/n)" Alastor looked confused "She/he got taken by this man!" I got up, Alastor followed. Hang on (y/n) I'm coming!

Your p.o.v

I woke up and I had this bright light flash in my eye. Then the guy sliced down my wrists 4 times on each, I started to cry and get dizzy. I tried to get out of this but I was just too weak. The guy then took out this needle and stabbed it in my skin making me scream. He covered my mouth and I started to sob.

Just then the door flew and hit the guy "MOM!" you said in releif. Alastor took care of the guy, Vaggie got you out "Are you okay!?!?" I just nodded then everything went black.

Angel p.o.v

I came home from my job "Husk my- HUSK!" I ran over to him "Husk!" Husk groaned "(y/n)" he whispered I was so confused. Why is he talking about (y/n)? He groaned again "She/he was taken by someone who looked like you?" I was shocked. My sis wouldn't do that! I shook my head. I know I'm not the best dad but I need to start to be there for her/him!

Your p.o.v

I woke up and I was in this cold room "Where am i?" I heard a giggle "I wanted to play with you" okay this girl is creepy! I backed up and hit the wall "LEAVE ME ALONE" I felt her inject something in me I fell to the ground weak. She then started to beat me then I felt a snap. I got up and I killed her with my heat powers!

I ran out and saw my dad I smiled then blacked out.

Alastor p.o.v (Help me!)

I walked back to the Hotel something felt off, like something happened. I shook the feeling off and walked in to see all my friends on the ground passed out. I walked up to them and shook them awake "Where is (y/n)?" they looked at each other "What did happen to her/him" Charlie said.

I sighed "I'll be in my room" I just started to walk when I slipped on something I looked down and saw "Sir. P's Hat!" Vaggie snapped "That's right! We came downstairs and then Sir. P froze us then took (y/n) and then knocked us out!" I froze symbols surrounded me. NO ONE TOUCHES MY DAUGHTER/SON AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!

Your p.o.v

I woke up strapped down to a table "My head!" I shook my head and then I saw these eggs come up to me and inject me with this weird red stuff. I struggled to get out of these ropes "My dad will come for me and then you will regret it!" I heard a sssssss sound "I know" I looked at this big snake "AHHH! SNAKE!" you screamed he sighed and put a rag over your mouth.

You looked at the snake then at the eggs the snake just sighed and threw you over his shoulder shoulder. You were mentally calling for your dad! I know he will come looking for me. The snake was about to grab me when my dad came in and this monster grabbed the snake and pulled him in. Once the snake was gone your dad picked you up and you fell asleep in his arms.

A/n- Okay! I'm done! I'll update tommorow, by the way after you got home, Alastor went outside the next day there were so many dead bodies.

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