👉👈 When you have a crush 👉👈

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You were just playing on the playground and a boy/girl came up "Wanna play hopscotch" you nodded and smiled, you guys played around. The boy/girl also defended you from bullies, and he/girl gave you snacks. You sighed dreamily "(Y/N) TIME TO GO HOME" your Mom yelled, you hugged the boy/girl and said that you'll meet up here tomorrow. You ran to your Mom "(Y/n)! That boy/girl is a bad person""And so is a person who lies" your Mom gasped.

She kept silent then when at the hotel she called Lucifer to kill the boy/girl, she didnt want your heart broken.


You were playing in the garden when a deer came over and turned into a little boy/girl. You giggled and played around with him/her. When you scraped your knee he/she helped you up and put bandages on your knee. His eyes sparkled in a way that made you feel helpless. (Hamilton fans anyone?)

You heard your Mom call for you, you said bye to the deer boy/girl and ran to your Mom, at dinner you guys were around the table, you sighed dreamily "(y/n)? Do you have a crush!" you nodded but then stopped and blushed. Your Mom glared at you "Who!?!?" you blushed even harder "This deer boy/girl" Alastor spit out his drink.

The boy/girl died much to your dispear

                           Angel (short, not really a crush)

You were playing in the daycare and there was this play boy/girl and you kinda had a crush on him. Angel worked there (don't ask) and saw you constantly blushing around him and dragged you out of the daycare. Calling Alastor to kill him (Alastor always gets his hands dirty)


You were in the garden with some toys and your toy went in the water you reached for it but fell in. You screamed and gasped for air but only water. You felt arms wrap around your waist and pull you up out of the water with your teddy. You spit up water and saw this boy/girl sitting next toy you in front of your face.

They leaned in and kissed you. Everyone walked in on that moment they imeadiatly pushed the creature off of you. You were red, you touched your lips and looked at the creature in the water. Your dad murdered it then cleaned you up and took care of you.

A/n- I am currently working on a husk catch up, because it was requested. If you have anymore characters you can tell me! Hoped you enjoyed! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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