Having a mE PARTY 👁👄👁

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Y/n sat on her couch, bored out of her mind.

Ah, the sweet smell of being alone on a Friday night while your parents and siblings were all out for the weekend.

Your mom and dad had both went to Ohio for a conference meeting about important business, so they decided to stay there for the weekend. But, to your absolute annOYANCE, all of your siblings had decided to leave and sleepover at their friends cabin for the weekend ASWELL, so your parents forced you to be the one to house sit. Fun. Literally, you loved having the house to yourself, you ambivert—

You slid across your halls on your ankle high socks, being a literal goddess and ruling this kingdom as your own as the wind blew majestically through your (H/C) locks, your eyes closed as a peaceful smile makes its way to your face, as you continue to slide on the smooth floor. No one could stop you!

You ended up accidentally running into a table stand that held the home phone and hit your hip really hard, saying a very loud "Fiddlesticks!" as you gracefully fell on your face, groaning in pain.

You lay on the floor, hands gripping your throbbing hip in pain as you scrunched your eyes close.

"Wow, Y/n, you are as idiotic as you seem." A slightly muffled voice suddenly broke you out of your painful inaudible swearing fest.

You bolted upward, looking from right to left, looking for the voices owner, "what the heck—"

"I'm over here! Jesus..." the voice snapped, you could basically feel them roll their eyes at you as you turned around, standing up.

"What the— ew, I think Santa needs you to be making his toys for next Christmas... can you get out of my TV and scram? I need to watch MLP." You asked cautiously, your heart beating vigorously as you made your way to the TV and crouched down.

He snickered, before reaching a hand out to you, to your surprise, but a mischievous smirk quickly made its way to your face. You stood up, before you grabbed his hand and pulled, (barely using your strength, fyi.)

He was pulled out of the television, a loud yelp erupted from his throat as he fell on his face.

"And your just as short as you seem..." you cross your arms, snickering. He looked up at you with a scowl, before getting up and dusting himself off.

"Anyway, since I'm such a great electrician and bad-B, I found your address—"

"You found it on accident on your way to kill your victim you've been torturing for months, then got the address mixed up, didn't you?"


"That's what I thought. I'm the only bad-b here, b."

"Shut the front door, bit—"

"No cussing, bitch."

He sighed, before grabbing your hand and dragging you upstairs to your room and harshly sat you on your swirly chair. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as you see the boy looking through all your personal belongings.

He grunted, "Ugh! Where the hell do you keep your phone, hoe?" He said, plopping down on your bed, huffing. He looked like a pissed off toddler.

"Aww, sorry, baby. I put it up somewhere you couldn't reach." You winked teasingly at him.

"I'm not that short! I'm 5'8 and 1/2! taller than you!"

"Stop being jealous of my 'badassness'."

"You just got your hip possibly fractured while sliding through the halls, alone, on a Friday afternoon... where are your parents, anyway?" He tilted his head like a puppy as you pulled your phone out of your back pocket.

"All my siblings and parents are gone for the weekend. My mom and dad went on a business thingy in Ohio, and should be back on Monday or late Sunday night, and my siblings are probably out smoking weed..." you sighed, "so I'm stuck house sitting..."

He laughed, "you're a loser!" He looked into your eyes, a glint of actual humor and joy. Weird.

"I know. Anyways, are you here to kill me, homo?" You said nonchalantly.

"Lmao, no. I didn't even mean to find you, couldn't find your address. I did know what you looked like, though. And now that I'm here, I can get you off the groupchat!" He narrowed his eyes at your phone.

"Uhh, yeah, no, I couldn't even remove myself off of this thing. Guess you guys will have to deal with my awesomeness~" you smirked, resting your hands behind your head, being cool. "Besides, you already love me and want to be my best friend. So, get used to it, gay boy."

He sighed, "I could just," he smirked, suddenly holding up your phone between his index finger and thumb, "I don't know, break it?" You scowled at him. How did he manage to even get it?!

"Don't you dare, you little elf." You growled, he seemed surprised by your protectiveness over your device.

"Oh, dear me! What are you gunna do about it, little girl?" He teased, before regretting it all once you stood up and tackled him off the bed and onto the floor.

Basically you got your phone by mercilessly tickling him, and he ended up getting pissed and chased you around your house. But you, being the badass you are, got your spray bottle and filled it with water that you used for your cat and sprayed him with it, which ended up with you slipping on the water and yelping a loud, "friCK—"
Before BEN sat on top of your stomach, crossing his legs, playfully smirking at you.

"I hate you, Y/n." He stared down at your face, his stupid grin never leaving his features as water dripped from his hair, onto your shirt.

"I love you too, baby." You smiled innocently, before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him off of you with ease.

You were carrying him by his shirt, before you picked him up bridal style. "Now, sweet-cheeks, be sure to tell everyone I love them and I'll be making cookies at my house tomorrow in the morning at ten." You paused, before looking down at his stupid little face.

"Off you go! yEET!" You launched him back into the TV, his screams of reluctance make its way in your ear and out the other.

You dusted your hands off, smiling proudly at your work, "what a bunch of hoes. They can never stop my chaotic energy." You the. Proceeded to go to your room and pass out, snoring. Making a mental note before about how you should probably get your hip checked out.

Mom! I'm Texting Serial Killers! (Creepypasta x reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon