(69 veiw special 🤠🤠😎✌🏻) shit-me-timbers!

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"Well, shit."

You breathed out slowly, as you turned towards the woman, the young girl, and the laughing demon thing.

They looked over at you, as if expecting something... You just stared for a second, before doing the classic finger guns.

"Aaayyyyee... hahah, better get goin'! Gotta feed my... uh— pet rock?" It came out as more of a question than a statement.

The woman smiled, nodding. "Good job, by the way! You just knocked all of these imbeciles over by running into one person. You have my respect." She saluted you, before you bowed and saluted back, turning on your heel and dipping out of that shit.

*whats this? A sense of humor? Don't know what thAT ISSSS*

Once you got home, you opened the door and walked in, and went to your fridge and grabbed some ice cream and pizza, and a soda, before running up the stairs to watch The Office and Parks and Rec because they're both hilarious.

Once you sat down, you realized your phone had died on your way back home while you listened to an earrape remix of the Arthur theme song.

Immediately once your phone was turn on, you saw your messaging app had 28 new messages. Fuck that.

You turned your phone back off and tossed it to the side, before continuing to munch on your health degrading foods, relaxing on a nice Wednesday evening with no homework.

*whats this? Love and affection without criticism, jealousy, anger, or malice? I don't k n o w h e r.*



Is (Y/n)?

Brother Tim:

I don't know, hood whore

She won't answer anything :((

Did my mami get eaten by the rake 🤭

Good now we don't have to kill her ourselves


Naaaaah she didn't

She said once she dies she's gunna haunt our asses so she can steal our food and prank us 24/7

Her words not mine

Guys wait omg

Don't kill her!!

She's gunna steal our food and keep us up all night

What if the Rake did kill her? 👀👀

And she's just waiting for the right moment?

Oh shit.


Doubt it.

She definitely would've done something stupid already if she was haunting us.


Fr fr

She's given me specific details of the pranks she's gunna do once one of us kills her


Many details.

Brother Tim:

Don't wanna know them.

Guys do not kill the human

She will annoy the piss out of us


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