heres a weird chapter wow (28)

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Okay, so it seems like im making a bunch of dem filler chapters, aren't i?

I am.

Because im busy and working on the plot a lot. . .

For my new book!

And this book.

And my other book.




lmao remember when i used to update daily?

yeah, i don't either.

my updates will be incredibly irregular now, i apologize:/

hope you enjoy this chapter tho! ✌🏻🥺


(Y/n) stared at the vibrant colored version of Slender, a sense of both amusement and regret filled you as you slowly looked down at the ground, finding sudden interest in the plain pattern of the carpeted floor.

The others were mumbling behind you, you could tell most of them were probably either making fun of you for your utter stupidity or worried about you being slaughtered right then and there and having to clean it up...

Slender sighed, a strained sound that carried stress and disappointment, before you heard him mumbling words to his brothers that included "(Y/n)", "Human", "Odd", and "Low IQ"—

Wait, "Low IQ—"?

"(Y/n), these are my brothers: Splendor and Trendor."

"Uh, heyo..?" You waved, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

The relatives of the calm and serious white-walking-stick both spared each other glances before the colorful one did something completely unprecedented...

He scooped you up in his arms and cradled you like some delicate kitten.

'Psssssh. I ain't a delicate kitten—"

"What a delicate kitten!" The happier looking white-stick-man cooed at you as you glared at the group whom were currently snickering at you mockingly.

'Frigging. Whores. Help. Me.' You mouth at them, making them shut up and scowl at you.

"Splendorman? Why don't you put the young lady down. You're clearly making her uncomfortable." Trender finally spoke up.

"But— but..! fine... here you go, little kitty!"

You felt relief wash over you as the tall-ass-man-child gently placed you down and you turned around, holding out a hand.

"Uhm, hi. I'm (Y/n), as you probably know... ahem! nice to meet you fine, uh, gentlemen."

The... library... looking... guy... was the first one to shake your hand, and you sensed a calm but more gentle (than white-ass-stick man the 1st) aura.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, young child."

The youngest of the brothers (or whom you assumed to be the youngest—) gripped your other hand and shook it vigorously, his... frigging drawn on looking smile stayed the same, almost brighter.

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