Another plot twist??? Oh shiZz!- 😳😱

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You managed to choke out a few words between cries, barely a whisper...

"Who are you?..."



Her body lurched forward, lungs pleading for air as she gasped in both shock and lack of natural nitrogen and oxygen.

Her heart was thumping vigorously fast in her chest, pounding against her ribs as she clutched her favorite band T-shirt, trying to calm herself.

It was a dream?

It felt so real.

She took a shaky breath, swallowing a gulp of anxiety she didn't know was pooling on her tongue.

She swung her trembling legs over her bedside, the soft pad of her feet hitting the floor as she made her way slowly to the restroom.

She flicked on the light, fumbling a bit to locate it.

She leaned over the sink, palms pressed against the edges as she look up at her reflection.

Her eyes were blood shot, and she could make out the faint trail of tear stains that smeared across her puffy face. 

The bathrooms dim light reflected  the beads of smothered sweat on her forehead, neck, and collarbone.

She was freezing, though.

She felt goosebumps erupt through her body as she shuddered, also noticing how dark the circles on her under eyes were.

She looked like she hadn't had a good-nights sleep in months.

Her hand gripped the handle of the sink, twisting it towards the left as she leaned down and splashed cold water on her hot skin.

She grabbed her towel and dried her face, trying to magically wipe away the dark circles under her eyes.

She furrowed her eyebrows at herself.

She's never had a dream so realistic and horrifying in her life.

Who the hell was "Zalgo"?

She felt like she didn't want to know, anyway.

She checked the time on the hexagon-shaped clock that hung from the wall, it read four-fifty A.M...

She was wide awake, though.

Might as well stay up.

She stepped out of the bathrooms cool tiles, and onto her rooms floor.

She breathed heavily.

The rooms atmosphere was tense and dark, not to mention it was suddenly hot again.

She started sweating.

She felt alone and scared.

She needed to talk someone...

Mom! I'm Texting Serial Killers! (Creepypasta x reader) Where stories live. Discover now