My DMs arent working/Writing Tips!

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Mkay so my DMs aren't working for some reason. I can read the message someone has sent me but I can't reply.

So if you want to talk with me, just post a message in the comments, and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible!

Anyway, Creepypasta2432 has asked me for some writing tips!

Thanks for the idea, by the way! ✌🏻🤠

Here are some of my main writing tips/nitpicking that I find in other people's books;

1: Incorrect vocabulary, grammar, or writing improperly.

Now, incorrect grammar and misspelled words happen in almost everyone's writing. It's just a thing that happens.

But, if literally almost every word is misspelled, or erroneous grammar/writing proportions like no periods, commas, colons, paragraphs, etc— it'll be a real nitpick and can be annoying to read.

After you're done writing your story, be sure to go on and proofread/edit your chapter.

(Although I can be a bit of a hypocrite because I don't edit half of my chapters shhhhhhh 🤫)

2: Imagery/Banal writing.

When writing a story, you by should be able to visualize the whole scene; the people, the atmosphere, the colors, the landscapes, the way people talk/their attitudes, even the little details are vital.

Some writers don't put enough description in the way people act or talk, here's an example;

"I didn't steal the bread." She said.

"Then who did?" Said the store owner.

"I don't know." She said.

That's so boring— and also terribly annoying. 😤😤

I can't feel any emotion coming from the scene, which makes me want to chuck my book out the frigging window omg.

When you write, you should be able to FEEL the character's emotions.

Wow I'm getting overly passionate—


"I didn't steal the bread, sir!" She pleaded desperately, clasping her hands together as if asking for an answer to a prayer.

"Then who did, young missy?" The store owner replied, aggravation laced in his tone as he crossed his arms, glaring at the woman.

"I don't know, sir, but we can check out the stores CCTVs!" She smiled nervously, eyes filled with a hope that she could get out of this tight quandary.


Sometimes I can add too much description, and you don't wanna do that.

The it'll be overly dramatic and also annoying.

Imagery is super vital in ones writing, here's some examples of bad vs good imagery!

(The bad example goes without commas and paragraphs to make it even more annoying for those of you picky writers ;) )


The mountain was tall and white with white snow. The grass was green and shiny due to the sun shining on it brightly. I sighed in amazement and sat down and pulled out my bag and pulled out my snacks and phone to take a photo for my art class and use it as a reference. There was a deer and a ct baby deer drinking some of the water under some trees. There was also a bunny running across the grassy field as birds chirped and sung together beautifully as I took a sip of my water and a bite of my sandwich watching the deers hop away happily and smiled at the scene. "Wow it's so pretty out today" I said happily biting into my sandwich again.

Mom! I'm Texting Serial Killers! (Creepypasta x reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora