I am SARcAsm 😛

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You nodded, laying back down and feeling your cheeks burn in embarrassment. How could you not remember that?

You feel a light breeze draft across your skin, your eyelids lazily opening as the bright sunlight beamed through the window.

"Oh— why the hell are my curtains open I— oh, Leo..." you sat up, groggy eyes scanning the room for any sign of the robotic boy, but he was nowhere to be found.

Once your feet came in contact with the floor, you noticed a small, neatly folded piece of paper resting by your left foot.

Raising a confused eyebrows, you bent down and picked it up, unfolding it with your delicate fingers.

"Dear, Little Sarcasm Bird.

I apologize for intruding on you last night and breaking in without your consent and absolutely no contact with you in over 2 years! Sorry about the nightmare you had. I'm going out with Kagekao cause he also crawled through the window, like... 5 minutes after you fell asleep.

I'm not gunna tell him about your nightmare, though. I don't know if you want me to or not. Your look really cute when you sleep, by they way.

You drool a lot.

— Robo boy."

You snorted at his last sentence, before throwing the paper behind you and (making your bed/not giving a shit about it), then grabbing an outfit and getting dressed.

You walked downstairs to see your mom looking through the mail, hand on her forehead in a tired manner as she clicked her pen and jotted down some checks.

You smiled at her; sure, she could be grouchy sometimes, but she was always there for you, both emotionally and financially. You couldn't help but feel a little guilty though.

You walked over to her, wrapping your arm around her shoulder and giving her head a small peck.

"How are you feeling, dearest mother?" You spoke in a posh accent, laying your head on her shoulder.

She grunted, which made you assume she wasn't feeling great.

You smirked, before petting her (hair colored) hair in a rich, old person type manner, as she rolled her eyes and playfully swatted your hand away.

You offered to make her breakfast, but she said she already had some and waved you off to, "go play your nerdy crap or whatever".

Preferably Pokémon or Star Wars. Or (Fav/Game), you weren't sure which one to choose from.

That's when your brain clicked, and your eyes widened.


You ran up the steps, tripping a bit but scrambling back up and practically face planting into your room.

You grabbed your phone and dialed BENs number, waiting for the gremlin to pick up.

... (Riiiiiinng)

... (Riiiiiinng)

... (Riiiiiinng)

"... hello?" He said in his usual bored, nonchalant voice, except he paused, as if trying to do something important.

BEN, doing something important?

That's a hilarious joke.

"BEN! Hi! Can I come over, I'm bored as frick and also I had a slightly traumatic, very realistic nightmare about you guys and I need to talk to one of you knife-whores about it." You yawned, playing with your (length) nails.

Mom! I'm Texting Serial Killers! (Creepypasta x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora