That Time I Went to Space

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Let me just say, I don't ever want to go to space again.

Out of everything that I've done, this is one of the weirdest. It's one of those things that can't even believe I did. It feels so out of place given everything else that happened. It wasn't that long, but it was so sudden, confusing, and weird that I can barely even take what happened seriously now. And there's really one reason for that:

It was entirely pointless.

The only reason we went to space was to chase the Nindroids that were going after the Golden Weapons. However, as all of you know, the Nindroids did get the weapons and take them back to make the armor for the Golden Master. But when they did that, they weren't using the rocket. In fact, the rocket was basically destroyed when they did. They, using a net, flew the weapons all the way from the comet, back to Ninjago. The entire reason we went there was literally pointless.

Now, this means that the Nindroids have strong enough jets and armor to survive reentry. If they can survive that, and they were able to do so tugging the Golden Weapons in a metal net, what was the point of the rocket? The Nindorids had enough fuel in them to do that, so why didn't the Nindroids just take off from Ninjago and do it that way?

Even if the Nindroids couldn't have made it out of the atmosphere, why didn't they just build boosters onto themselves and use those to get out, then just flew there? They could have just made the equivalent of a jetpack for all of them, had one of them carry a net, and gotten there that way. Even if they did build the rocket, why would they not just use the rocket to get out, and then jetpacked their way there? I mean, yes, it was rough getting onto the comet, but they were able to survive leaving it, so they clearly could withstand that weird field behind the comet.

On top of all of that, the only reason we even knew what they were doing was because they were building a rocket. If they'd just built jetpacks, or even just something like a slingshot and given the Nindroids extra fuel to get back, we'd never have known. I mean, I'm not saying that I would have wanted them to, but just from a villain's perspective why give us the chance to see what you're building?

And okay, okay. Let's say that they absolutely needed the rocket. Let's say that they were just planning on using it to get back and the jets themselves were just a backup plan. Why did they have spacesuits on the spaceship? The Nindroids were machines, built like Zane. Zane was able to survive going out into space and not immediately break from the change in pressure (I think it was pressure that was the issue at least). So, why did they have spacesuits that had air in them, almost like they were planning on us coming along? And on top of that, why was there air being supplied to an area of the ship that was going to be detached anyways? What was the point of that? The Nindroids didn't need to breathe. It was almost like the entire spaceship was built for the sole purpose of us following them, and it makes no sense!

I mean, I guess I shouldn't be complaining that we were given what we needed to in order to, you know, survive, but it's those little things that make it seem like the Digilord was trying to sabotage his own plans. If we had jumped on the ship and then had no air, we'd be dead and his entire plan would have just succeeded, right there.

So, we'd just gotten onto the spaceship, and Jay was already floating around and having the time of his life. At the time, I was terrified of not having gravity around me anymore to keep me anchored. After I saw that Ninjago was now literally a planet away, the fact that I'd just decided to jump onto a literal spaceship occured to me. So, while I was in a state of panic, the others were starting to freak out too. Jay, meanwhile, was acting like he was Fritz Donnagan and launching himself around at a whim.

Zane logged into a computer on the ship and found out that the area of the ship we were in, a supplemental booster I think, was about to be detached. That's when my dad, Wu and Pixel got ahold of us. They read the schematics of the ship and found out about the extra spacesuits. Given that we couldn't go out into space other than the way we came in, we were forced to send Zane outside into space.

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