The Green Ninja

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Harumi was gone. Garmadon was enraged. Skylor was poisoned. And now, our hope had dwindled to almost nothing. This was no longer about stopping Garmadon. We'd just made Garmadon angry, and now he was out to destroy us and the city together.

Of course, we were still on top of a building, with the Colossus coming right at us with nowhere to hide. Just to show us how strong it was, it picked up a car like it was a toy and chucked it to destroy the roof access. Nya and Dareth jumped to the next building, but Skylor wasn't waking up. I wasn't going to leave her behind, but I couldn't wake her up. I had to make the riskiest move I could and jump onto the Colossus' fist when it tried to crush us, then jump over to Nya.

Just looking into the eyes of that thing was like looking into a horror movie. Its eyes terrified me. I don't know how Garmadon was doing it, but feeling how cold Skylor had gone trying to use it was enough. I knew that this wasn't right. Nothing about that Colossus was right. It was the embodiment of the hatred Harumi had instilled in my father when she brought him back. It was everything that he was now. A giant monster, ready to destroy me.

...I realize that I said in the start, I wasn't going to call him my father. Nya pointed out that I've been saying it a lot, though. I don't know why. Even as we were running away from that giant thing, I still saw him as my father. I still saw him as the man that I wanted to save. I kept calling him my father. I kept, thinking of him that way, but I knew he wasn't. I know that he will never be my father. He won't ever be, anything like that again. The fact that, even when he had just tried to kill me with that thing, I still thought of him that way is... I don't know. I don't know how I feel about him.

I was feeling a lot of things, really. We were running away while the Colossus just went about destroying everything. Every possible thing it could. The roads, the buildings, the cars, anything it could get its hands on. Garmadon was serious about killing me. He wanted me dead, and he'd destroy the city to do it. While we were running, that hit me harder than the Colossus was hitting all of those buildings. The city was about to pay for all of this.

The more we ran, the more I couldn't figure out what I was feeling. Everything was just hitting me. Garmadon's anger felt like it was flowing right into me. I was reeling from what I'd just seen with... Harumi. I was dragging Skylor when I knew I was the reason she was like this. And I hadn't even gotten a chance to really process that Mystake was... gone. Everything had just gone wrong. Horribly wrong. We'd lost everyone that was there to fight with us. It was down to me, Nya and Dareth. Just us. Now, we couldn't count on anyone to help us.

Nya said she still had the battle wagon, and if we just got to it, we could escape the city. I didn't want to escape. After everything we'd done, I didn't want to leave it behind. But I knew we didn't have much choice. We had lost almost everything. Garmadon wasn't going to let up on us. It was time for us to do or die and... and I felt like we were going to die. Dareth was the one that pushed me. He said I had to know when to turn tail. I had to know when we couldn't fight anymore. And just like every other time until now... I was too weak to help lead the fight.

I went for the wagon, but said we'd stay and try to fight. We couldn't just leave the city behind, when I'd been the one to do this. I'd hurt everyone. I had to do and help. I had to. We dragged ourselves way and down the streets. I could hear the Colossus destroying buildings left and right. The news told everyone to flee. I knew this was my plan. My plan had seemed so smart at the time. I thought it would work. Everyone believed in it. Now two people had died for the sake of it, and I was only a few steps away from being totally alone.

As if it wasn't enough, we ran across UV by pure chance. The Colossus had thrown her while she wore the Mask of Hatred, so she'd survived the fall and was waiting for backup. When she saw us, it was like being punched when you were down. Even if she was crazy, she could fight, and she could do a lot to mess me up. Since Skylor was down, we didn't have a choice. Nya had to stay behind and fight. I had to drag Skylor further, without her.

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