The Worst Escape Ever

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Of the things that I hate more and more as I go back through events like this, is knowing that this was all us being played by Harumi. She'd been planning this for so long that it made each loss we suffered feel even worse. The worst example of this was when Zane went after Mr. E in his attempt to get initiated into the Sons of Garmadon.

At the time, I was searching the city for the last known place that Zane had been. Our first hope had been to try to track where he was and maybe find out where their hideout was. Given that they were appearing from seemingly nowhere, and the only bar they frequented we'd now raided, we needed to know more about them. They'd been so low radar before that I hadn't even heard of them, and then overnight they'd attacked the Royal Palace and stolen two Oni Masks that were capable of resurrecting my father. This wasn't like any of the other foes we'd faced, who were always more open about their schemes. Even the Twins made themselves known to us pretty quickly, for better or worse. It felt like we'd been thrust right into this giant mess, and I was trying to figure out what was going on. Now that Zane had gone dark, it felt like we were losing even more control of the situation than we already had.

I think what made that moment worrying the most for me was knowing that Zane had done this on his own. We weren't told about his plan, which I get was so we made it more convincing. But we had no idea what was going on with him. I was running around Ninjago City doing everything I could to find where he'd gone. But nothing was working. I couldn't find out where it was, and so hearing suddenly that Zane had gone missing after getting revealed was even worse.

I know now that Harumi told them about Zane, likely after overhearing us discussing it on the Bounty. That's what I mean when I say I just get angrier looking back. We found Zane beaten up and knocked out in the desert. For someone to punch apart someone made of titanium, we knew that this was serious. Mr. E had caught up to him on his bike and done this. It's the only explanation that I have. Zane said his memory was fuzzy, but he remembered Mr. E being the last one that he was chasing down. It was also how we learned that the Oni Mask of Deception let you levitate objects with your mind, since Killow tried to use that to attack Zane during the race. Oh, in case it wasn't clear, it was a race to initiate him into the SOG, and it wasn't until they'd started Harumi went and told them so they could use the race as a cover to get rid of him.

This may sound random, but I want to talk a bit about the three generals of the SOG. This was the first time that they were really made aware to us as a threat. Mr. E was the one that beat up Zane, and the one that stole the Oni Mask of Vengeance from Borg Tower. From what Zane gathered, he was a nindroid. For some reason, I felt like that was more important than it ended up being. We never found out what he was. Was he someone like Cryptor? An old Nindroid from the Digilord's attack we never found out about? Or someone that I just, don't remember? I don't know. I feel like, he and Zane are really similar. Like, he's an echo of Zane or something?

Killow I have even less to say about. I barely even got a chance to fight him. He was always with the rest of the SOG, and I don't even remember much about him other than him just being a big and scary tough guy. His motorcycle had a saw for a front wheel. I remember that because he tore up any road he used it on. He was just kinda, there.

Ultraviolet is the one I remember the most. She was just crazy. I don't know what her deal was, or why she looked like that. I mean, I don't get why she and Killow had gray skin. I don't even know what her real name was. I mean, people talk rumors about her all the time, and she's clearly, not exactly sane. I get the feeling she wanted to bring my father back, simply because she wanted to see how crazy it would get. Given that the first thing she did when he did take over was start hunting down anyone in the city like it was some sort of game.

Autobiography of a LegendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora