Never Trust a Chen

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Author's Note: Today was an incredibly hectic day, apologies that this went up so late. I want to inform everyone now that Autobiography of a Legend is going to go on hiatus after next week. I have been at a standstill with my writing progress, and the Season 5 chapters were both difficult to write and not completed in time. Therefore, while Ninjaverse will be continuing, Autobiography is going on hold. I apologize for this and will work to get it going as soon as I am able to get my muse back. Enjoy the chapter!

I lost to Chen. Badly. Really badly. It's one of the worst one sided battles I've ever fought in, and I fought against a lot of villains that clearly held the upper hand. I wish I could say that I won the Tournament of Elements, but I instead came in second. Yes, Chen had altered the bracket to have me versus him, so it technically counted as the final round.

Chen wasn't holding back on using all of the elements at his disposal to beat me senseless. I didn't even get a chance to land a single hit on him. The first time I attacked, he used speed to get out of the way. Just to taunt me, he used shadow to disappear so he could get into a good place to attack me. I only managed to dodge the burst of fire he sent at me because my reflexes were faster than I was. Even then, he froze the board I hid behind and then blew it up with fire as soon as I tried to leap over it.

I notice now that I tend to get a lot of my speeches in while I'm being attacked, and that gets the villains to go into their speeches too. Chen confirmed for me his plan was to rule Ninjago by 'those who deserve it.' He had an obsession with the Anacondrai, and felt they should have won the war. I tried to tell him that real power wasn't stealing, but that was when he decided to use gravity to fling me onto the ceiling. I don't know how anyone can fight when you can't even see which way is up or down. I admit, I have a lot of respect for Gravis after that. It all ended with me being thrown back onto the floor. Painfully.

Chen didn't listen to me, no matter what I said. I couldn't even get in close to get to that staff. It feels kind of hollow to tell him that he doesn't have real power, when he was able to defeat me, the Green Ninja, without a single scratch on him. I got back up from being thrown onto the ground again, and tried to send one last burst of power at him. All Chen did was turn his body to metal to reflect my own attack at me, and I was too exhausted to stop it. I was sent right into the bracket. As if to mock me, my picture on it broke apart and left Chen as the only one standing.

Chen declared himself the winner of the Tournament of Elements. I wasn't able to fight back at that point, and his guards simply took me away to be prepared for the final ceremony. I was going in and out of being conscious, since I'd smacked my head pretty badly when Chen did that knockout blow. That was when I got my first real taste of vengestone. One click of those chains and I couldn't use any of my powers. I've grown to really hate that stuff as time goes on.

In the meanwhile, both my dad and Nya got captured. Clouse decided to chain them up in the lair of his snake, which makes the second time of Chen casually trying to murder my dad. That was also when he tried to parade the fact that he'd turned Kai against them. While I was going in and out, I realized that Chen had told Kai something that made him willing to betray me. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't feel good about it.

There was something that Nya told me about my dad, that sticks with me. While they were down there, my dad grabbed Skylar and threatened to hurt her if Chen didn't let them go. However, Chen just laughed at him, and said that he was Sensei Garmadon now. He reminded my dad that his anger wasn't going to rule him anymore. And, just like that, my dad let her go. My dad wasn't the man he once was. I don't know why... but, hearing that, it reminds me of how happy I was to have my dad. My dad, when he was Lord Garmadon, wouldn't have let her go. Now... now he was a different man. It reminded me of how thankful I was, that he was such a kind man on the island. It... it's a memory that I need, to remember more of him.

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