The Day I Met a Ghost

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Now, of everything that's happened in Ninjago, Morro's attempt to curse it is the one that I know you all are familiar with. Normally, the people of Ninjago seem to forget about all the dangers they face as soon as they're over. Chen literally took over most of Ninjago, but I know a lot of kids that don't even know Chen's name. The Overlord I think most people don't remember due to me kinda purifying everything at the end. Ninjago City especially seems to just move on after each disaster and just forget about everything that's happened afterwards. I guess that's how you have to be to live in a town that gets attacked at least once a year.

At first, I wasn't sure why everybody remembered Morro's invasion. It was probably one of the shortest ones. He attacked the city of Stiix, and we stopped him. Specifically, Nya stopped him. I guess it has something to do with the fact so much of Stiix was destroyed that it was all over the news. The Preeminent used all of Stiix's buildings to create a way for it to chase us in the ocean. Almost every house was actually ripped apart by it's rampage. The news ran with that, and I also know that many horror films used the images of the Preeminent for a lot of weird monsters. For some reason, what happened in Stixx is something that all of Ninjago just... remembers.

A few chapters ago, I called Chen one of my most personal villains. I still stand by that. Chen hit me home in ways that made me question my very existence. He made me ask myself how easily destiny could be manipulated to produce someone that did the things I did. It made me question my father and have to address sides of him that I had always thought was just there when he was Lord Garmadon. Most of you know, however, that Morro was possessing me for a long time. Why I didn't name Morro my post personal villains simple:

Morro is someone that I have never been able to think about the way I think about any other villain, even Harumi and Chen. Morro is on another level compared to everyone else that I've fought.

In the prologue, I said that sometimes I thought that Morro had a point. Specifically, when Morro was talking about how destiny works. Morro has made me think about what it means to be the Green Ninja. He made me question who I was as a person in a different way then Chen did. Chen made me ask why I was even in this world. Morro... Morro forced me to ask if who I became was someone that was meant to be the way I was. Even now, the things that Morro said to me still haunt me. They still hang in my head and make me wonder if I've ever done the right thing.

One thing I need to get out of the way right now, is that my recollection of events for this part of the story is going to be foggy. You'll see what I mean when I talk about what it was like to be possessed, but a lot of what I'll be talking about, I was only getting little bits of flashes of. I didn't know what was happening to me most of the time. That was deliberate on Morro's part. Morro knew that if I was able to see what was happening, I'd try to influence what was happening. The only times that I managed to do that always followed with Morro forcing me further down inside my own head. I know that some of the events I recounted in the previous chapters were somewhat rapid-fire and didn't have that much detail in them. With everything leading up to the Corridor of Elders, it was because it happened so fast I didn't have much time to think. With all of this... I literally didn't have the chance to know what was going on enough to think.

What most of you all know about this story is that Morro opened a gateway to the Cursed Realm and brought the manifestation of the Cursed Realm, the Preeminent, into Ninjago near the city of Stiix and completely destroyed the city before a massive tidal wave took it down. The path to getting there, however, was a lot more complicated. Now that I've had time to think, I know what I'm going to say. So, I want to go ahead and start from the beginning.

In the months after what happened with Chen, I knew that I couldn't stop and let myself look sad and upset. I'd already berated the ninja for doing that when they lost Zane. I threw myself into being the best team leader that I could, for the sake of my father. I knew that my dad wouldn't want me to stop being a ninja. My father had taught me that I could move on and become something great, no matter what happened. So, that's what I did. I worked on being the best Green Ninja I could be.

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