The Price for Defiance

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Harumi wasn't about to let us get away with showing the city I was alive easily. We had barely gotten back to the depot before she'd sent what felt like the entire SOG to come and capture us.

When we got back, we took a moment to celebrate and discuss what was about to come next. Our next step was clear: we had to find someone that could stand up to my father. We needed an army. With Ultraviolet hunting down my friends, though, that was harder to pull off than I thought. We spent hours trying to figure something out, find someone who could help us. With how persistent UV was, though, that was a bit of a problem.

While I'm a bit upset that I was willing to celebrate after that victory we had, it wasn't like we knew something was coming. We were trying to plan our next move, no matter what. Harumi had seen us leave, though, and she'd followed us all the way to the garbage depot, or at least that's what I think had to happen. She must have gone back to Garmadon to try to get everyone together to come and attack us. After how we'd basically humiliated her and UV, we should have expected a bit more of a counterattack. While we did know we'd just started something a lot bigger than just ourselves, we weren't ready for how fast it came.

Now, Dareth was outside when the SOG came to attack. He said it had something to do with Mystake giving him something to make him have brown power... I don't really know why she would do that for him. But I do know that the fact he was outside meant that we weren't ambushed and taken out immediately. Dareth ran in and bought us a few seconds, just enough for us to get ready to fight when they came for us. Even if he did keep talking about having to go to the bathroom. Again, another moment that Dareth saved us. Even if it was weird.

Harumi didn't spare anything when she came for us. She, UV and Killow all showed up. I'm not sure where Mr. E was... and come to think of it, I never did see him again after he came to find us in the first place we were hiding in. And... I never did see him in Kryptarium, either. I'm not sure what happened to him. I... well, I guess... I don't want to think about that. Anyways...

The attack was so fast that we didn't have time to really mount any defense. It was every man for themselves the second that they landed inside the depot. The Masters put up a good fight, and even mom got involved. Pixal got in her mech and defended us. We were able to put up enough of a fight to keep going. When they all came for us, I told everyone we couldn't lose this fight. We had to stand up to him. We couldn't let Harumi take us alive like this. If we couldn't resist just the SOG, we'd have no chance of fighting my father.

That changed when Killow and Harumi showed up, though. As much as I never really dealt with the Oni Mask of Deception, it was strong enough to take down both Turner, Shade and Paleman. UV went right for mom, and Harumi, of course, was there to try to attack me. She ordered them to me alive. I was fighting just to survive. I couldn't let Ninjago fall because we couldn't make our stand here. We had to keep a base if we wanted to help the people.

I probably would have stayed and fought, if Nya hadn't dragged me away. Skylor was the one that saved me from the massive group of people that tried to take me. Without my power, I was just a normal person. I could usually use my power to stop groups of enemies, but now... I really was weak. I was the weakest link on our Resistance. I was weak enough that Nya had to grab me and drag me all the way to the car she built. Skylor bought us enough time to get it started and start fleeing. We picked up Skylor and Dareth, while the others stayed behind to fight. I watched mom get swarmed and captured in front of me, and Pixal was forced to flee at some point as her mech got overwhelmed. Everyone that was fighting for me, was getting captured.

As Nya drove the four of us out, I kept demanding we go back. She, however, said that her priority wasn't them, but me. I'd put myself as the face of the Resistance. If I was caught, it was all over. The further we drove into the city, the more that I knew we'd failed. I hadn't been strong enough, and now I was being made to flee as my punishment.

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