Chapter 1

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It happened a few months ago, cracks were beginning to form within Teiko's middle school basketball team. They were growing within their skills and no one thought about placing a pause on their actions. "Why?! Why should I work with you all when I'm able to play alone!" A teammate complained, looking at the red-haired captain of the team.

"You can play alone, you always do, Daiki," The red-haired captain says, "Don't come crying to us when you know at times you need Tetsuya."

"Need Tetsuya?!" Daiki exclaims and the blonde-haired chubby female in the room watched the scene in complete horror, "Who needs a shadow?! That's all he is, is a damn shadow! It's not like he's any good!"

"Daiki!" The blonde-haired female had enough and stood up, the basketball team all looked at her, silently, it was rare for her to speak out during a disagreement, let alone shout at the team, "I've had enough! I've watched each every one of you," Her eyes looked over the main members of the team, Seijuro Akashi, Daiki Aomine, Ryouta Kise, Tetsuya Kuroko, Shintaro Midori, and Atsushi Murasaskibara, "Allow yourselves to crack and crumble."

"Crumble?! You think I'm crumbling?!" Daiki interrupted her and stood up, trying to intimidate the girl.

"I'm talking, shut up!" The blonde-haired girl shouted.

"That's different compared to eating everything in sight," Daiki commented with a smug smirk.

The girls' eyes widen a little, "I'll let that slide, I'm extremely disappointed in all of you," She pointed to the red-haired captain, Seijuro, "Including you Seijuro, a captains job is to make sure that this, does not happen. You're failing, you're completely failing."

"You saying we'll lose like this?" Seijuro questioned, "If so, we'll get another manager."

Ryouta looked over, "Another manager? Maybe one who doesn't take up a lot of camera space," He said then chuckled thinking the boys were joking. He looked at the girl who glared at him, he flinched a little and looked down at his feet.

"You'll get another manager? A manager who can collect data like me and who can help with strategies like me? Good luck with that, Momoi can collect data but she's nothing like me and we all know that" The blonde-haired girls said trying to stay strong while she breaks slowly on the inside, "And you guys lose? The game, no, yourselves, yes and I won't be at your funerals."

"Like we'd want you around us anyway," Shintaro said pushing up his glasses.

"We just put up with you," Daiki said and walked to the smaller girl and leant down, "You're nothing but a fat, ugly girl who deserves no one. We just felt sorry for you Juri and we used you to get this far. If you see a crack, it's your fault."

"Don't blame her Dai-Chan!" The pink-haired data collector said and pulled Juri into her protectively, "Dai-Chan, enough! You guys need her whether you know it or not!"

"Satsuki, it's fine," Juri continued to fight back her tears and pulled away from Satsuki, you think you guys don't need me?"

"We don't think it, we know it," Atsushi said bluntly looking at her with his hands on his hips.

"Fine, do it without me," She collected her bag and took the strategies she thought of.

"We need them," Seijuro said stepping towards her, then released what he just said, her strategies mean they need her.

"You don't need me so you don't need my strategies," She looked at him, "I'm so disappointed in all of you, you're nothing but pathetic children and I cannot wait to see you all figure it out," She walked out and slammed the door.

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