Chapter 35

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I stare at the old captain of Teiko before sitting at the end of my bed, "W...What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"No need to be nervous," Akashi says and places his head on my shoulder, "Just a talk between friends, that's what we are right? I'll forgive you for disappearing."

"You'll... Forgive me... For what? For leaving when you said you didn't need me anymore? Do people normally stay when you tell them that?" I ask, not looking at him.

"I'll let that slide," He says, "Look at me," He says and I do as I'm told, "I don't want you involved with Seirin Basketball Team anymore and I don't want you involved in the Winter Cup," He says and stands up, turning to me, "If I see you're helping them out and I see you on the bench at the Winter Cup, I will make you regret it," He walks to the door, "Good to see you again Juri," He turns to me and opens the door. He turns away, "Ryouta... How nice to see you," Akashi says and walks off.

"Juricchi?" Ryouta walks in and sits on my bed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "What happened?"

I hug him, "He wants me to stop being a manager for Seirin and he wants to not be involved in the Winter Cup," I tell him, "Without basketball... What will I do?"

"Juricchi..." He rubs my back and kisses my head, "I don't know Juricchi... I honestly... Don't know."

The door opens my dad walks in, "Juri..." He walks to us and kneels down in front of me, "Are you... Okay?"

"I will be," I nod and smile at my dad, "I just don't know what to do."

Ryouta tells my dad what Akashi said to me, "Juri..." He takes my hand, "Talk to Kuroko tomorrow until then stay with Kise... If he doesn't mind."

"I don't mind," Ryouta says, "Afterall, protecting my girlfriend is my job and I'll do it right this time," He says with a smile and kisses my head, "Arrange to meet Tetsuya tomorrow, it's weekend."

"O...Okay," I nod I pull my hand out of my dads hold and call Tetsuya to arrange to meet him tomorrow. 

"I'll make you two some dinner, Kise will you be staying over?" Dad asks.

I look at Ryouta and nod, "Hey Tetsuya... How is Satsuki?" I ask.

"Hey, she's okay... I showed her the drive for her to use as a makeup material for Aomine," Tetsuya says.

"That's good news... Can we meet up tomorrow? Say... 1 at MB's?" I ask.

"Sure... What's wrong?" Tetsuya asks.

"Tomorrow," I say, "Please, just wait till tomorrow... I'm with Ryouta... I'll be fine till then."

"Okay, you know where I am," Tetsuya says before hanging up.

I walk to my bed and sit down, "I feel so pathetic, he didn't do anything but talk," I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Don't say that," He wraps his arms around me, "You are far from pathetic."


The next day Ryouta and I walk into Maji Burgers where Tetsuya and Taiga are sat together. I sit beside Tetsuya as Ryouta sits beside Taiga, "Juri... What happened? Your voice yesterday..." Tetsuya looks at me as I cover my eyes, "Juri?" 

Ryouta rushes over and crouches down, rubbing my back, "Akashi..." I say and Tetsuya turns his body to me more, "He wants me out of Seirin Basketball club and the Winter Cup."

"What?!" Taiga looks over and stands up, "Let me get you something for your eyes," He says and goes to the counter collecting more napkins before walking back and handing them to me, "Here."

"Thank you," I take them and wipe my eyes from the slight tears that have fallen, "I know it's just basketball and I can possibly start a girls team... But... I love managing the teams, especially basketball."

"Why listen to him?" Taiga asks, "You like basketball, you like Seirin, you like managing a team? Why do something you don't like instead?" He questions and I look at him, "Is he that scary?"

"Akashicchi... Can be," Ryouta says and kisses my cheek, "But Kagamicchi is right, you never listened to him before, don't start now."

"I guess... I think it just spooked me a little that he found out where I live," I say.

"Wait..." Tetsuya says, "He was in your house?" I nod, "Explains why you're acting like this," He rubs my arm, "How did you get involved, Kise?"

"Kain texted me with a Juri S.O.S," Ryouta says, "I rushed over as quickly as I could and saw Akashicchi leaving her room."

"Listen..." Taiga says and I look at him, "You are meant to be a manager for a basketball team, don't let him scare you out of doing something that you love," He smiles, "Yeah? Plus, we'd be bored without you chasing us around."

I giggle, "Thanks guys," I smile.

"Let's show this Akashi guy that you don't run from one guy alone," Taiga leans over and ruffles up my hair.

"Yeah," I smile and nod then look at Ryouta, "Thank you?"

"I didn't do anything but stay beside you," Ryouta says and stands up, "Shall we go to the movies?"

"Sure," I nod and turn to Tetsuya, I hug him, "Thanks Tetsuya."

Tetsuya hugs me back, "See you tomorrow, don't worry about him... Call me if he gets in touch with you again," He says and we pull away from each other, "Okay?"

"Yeah," I smile.

"I have to ask..." Taiga says and we look at him, "Are you two related?"

"No," We say.

"You're not the first to ask that," Ryouta says and I stand up, "See you later you two."

"Bye, bye," I ruffle up Taiga's hair before we leave the fast-food restaurant. 

Ryouta puts his arm over my shoulder and I walk close to him as he looks like through the movie lists, "What do you want to see?" He asks.

"Hmm..." I look at his phone, "How about that one?" I point to a random movie, "I don't really mind though, Ryo... you pick," I look up at him and smile, "Please do."

"Okay," He nods as we walk, he looks through the movies before booking two seats for us, "Juricchi... We won't lose against you again."

"We'll see," I playfully nudge him, "Let's have fun today, yeah?"

"I have fun every time with you," He smiles.

"But, don't you have more fun sleeping beside me? You wake up and poke me nearly every morning," I look at him and giggle as his cheeks turn red.

"I can't help it," He looks away and I laugh walking on ahead, "H-Hey! Wait up," He jogs up to me.

"It's Winter Cup Preliminaries next week, let's just relax this weekend," I say as he takes my hand, "Yeah?"

"Perfect," He says as we turn into the cinema where we ended up spending up more of our time together.

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