Chapter 8

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After they cleared away the other students and brought down the hoops when using the whole court, cleaned the floor we were called back onto the court. I brought out my notepad, "Much better," I got my blue pen and looked at benchwarmers. I write down stats of Kaijo players knowing there has been improvement and I look at Ryouta as he walks onto the court writing down the estimated stats. 

"Kya, Kise-Kun!!!" Girls squeal.

I look at him and glare as Katamatsu kicks him, "Senpai why do I feel a chill?" He asks after he's whined.

"Kurosawa was angry," He says and I look away, knowing the dark aura around me has made the ones sat next to me move away from me a little.

I look up at Ryouta goes to dunk the ball, but it doesn't break like Taiga even though he used more strength than Taiga did, "I can't really do that with the girls," He says and I grind my teeth a little, "But... In basketball, I never forget to return a favour," I write down stats and different data, my eyes never leaving the player for longer than 3 seconds so I can check my writing.

"Taiga!" I shout and the two looks at me, "Show me that I haven't wasted my time with you," I smirk.

"Fine! Kuroko, the ball!" Taiga orders Tetsuya who passes the ball instantly into his hand and Taiga charges to the hoop, jumps and dunks.

"Remember this Coach Takeuchi," I stand and look at the coach of Kaijo, "I only manage the best potential team," I sit down and hum a little tune calming down as I watch the game and write the stats.

"Riko," I say, "I know, I see it too... There's no balance with the offence and defence, this is the effect of the Generation of Miracles when we clash," I explain.

She nods and I watch, feeling slightly nervous due to the power that the other four also have as a whole together. I sigh and close my eyes thinking, "Too early for timeout, right?" Riko asks and I nod, "See what they're like for a little while longer?" I nod again and open my eyes, "How are the stats doing?"

"They're doing alright," I say and continue writing. I don't even notice a timeout was called out as I keep writing the data I've memorized. 

"Juri," Taiga says.

"Leave her," Riko says before she begins coaching.

I glance up to see everyone stats are a little lower, I write them down so we can improve later in practice. My eyes dance around the court as my hand never stops writing, "Juri, need a drink?" Riko asks.

"Nah, I'm good thanks," I tell her as I watch Kasamatsu make a three-pointer.

"Are you looking down on Kaijo's regulars?" He asks, "There's a limit to how naive you can be." 

I bite my tongue to hold my comments inside as Kaijo basketball player continues to tell them to remain with defence.

I watch as Taiga has the ball and is marked by Ryouta, no surprise there and I watch the two battle it out till Taiga passes to Tetsuya but it's stolen by a member of Kaijo, "I see... We're slowly getting used to it," Kasamatsu says.

"Don't get too cocky about it," I mutter and look at the scare board, "Shit, the gap is increasing..."

"Out of bounds! White ball!" Referee says.

I hear Ryouta talking to Taiga and I glance in his direction, "As you are right now, it's 10 years too early for you to challenge the Generation of Miracles. With the point different right now, you won't be able to catch up, more than the team's formation or strategy, Basketball is first a sport about the size. If you compare your five players to ours, the difference in size and ability is too big," He says, "The only one that could have been to face us is you or Juri, but I've pretty much seen the extent of your strength already. I'll acknowledge your potential, but you're still no match for me. No matter what kind of technique you use, as long as I see it, I'll pay you back twice as much immediately," He asks.

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