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14| Crush


He was enamoured by her subtle and shy beauty. He remembers when he first saw her, back in Chicago a year ago.

Her brothers were doing routine check-ups to make sure that she was okay, after all she was their sister.

Christian had decided to tag along because he had some people he wanted to meet in Chicago and the Belmont brothers were like his family.

When he first saw her, walking home from her school he was caught off guard at how much he liked what he saw.

She had wavy hair raven black hair, caramel skin that glowed in the sun and big brown eyes.

Her glasses that she wore framed her face well, making her look so cute.

At the time he felt weird thinking those thoughts because one, she was the sister of some of the most dangerous people he knew and two, he didn't know her. She didn't know him. At the time he didn't know that she would be coming to live with her brothers . They watched her from afar to keep her safe.

So he thought he would do the same.

But Christian was confused, because he never felt such an immediate attraction to anyone before. He was young, he thought. This was just a crush, he told himself.

But as time went on, he started catching himself think about her. He would often go with Donatello and Caledon to Chicago to go see her. He knew about her hobbies and her favourite flavour of ice cream.

He knew that she only wore sweatpants no matter how hot it got. He knew she was very smart and athletic and that she took very good care of her mom, despite the woman not giving her the same care.

He felt like a stalker. Knowing this much about a girl who didn't even know his name.

When Christian asked about Aurora and her mother's past, Caledon was very ashamed to say that they only found out about where she was about a year and a half ago. Aurora's mother had disappeared off the face of the earth with her after Aurora just turned four years old.

The truth about her mother's death was not something that her brothers liked to talk about because it would only hurt her further. They noticed after they found her that there was something more to her studious nature.

They don't know about what happened in those ten years that she disappeared, but when they found her again she wasn't the happy little girl that they knew her as.

There was more to her story, one that Christian wanted to find out.

That was, until he saw her cry. He didn't know what triggered her, but his heart broke into a million pieces when he saw tears swell in those big brown eyes. He had to stop himself from wincing when he heard her sobb.

So when she asked for a hug, he immediately gathered her in his arms and took his room that he had at the Belmont's house.

She cried for hours, but slowly she started calming down. This made Christian feel better, that the girl he's been doting over for a year was better in his arms.

He didn't understand this attraction or need to protect her, or the need of wanting her to be his. He wanted to be the one she came to when she was feeling down, happy and everything in between.

He wanted to be hers.

She fell asleep in his arms, snuggling closer to him in her drowsy state. He smiled down at her, slowly getting up and unraveling her from him and tucking her into his bed. He took he glasses off and brushed a piece of her hair out of her face behind her ear.

She looked like she was at peace, and when he was about to leave her hand shot out and grabbed his, gripping it tightly.

"Please, stay." She said tiredly. He didn't have the heart to say no to her even though when her brother's find her here with him he knew his life was over.

Though they didn't show it that well, they loved their little sister. They're just trying to accept the fact that she is always going to be in danger now. They feel like it's their fault for that, but this isn't something that they can control.

So, abiding by her request, Christian slid into his bed next to her, making sure to keep some distance between them to give her space.

She was horrified when he touched her, so he didn't want to trigger anything.

But instead, she shocked him. She pulled him closer and snuggled into him sighing contently before completely falling asleep again.

Christian was so caught off guard he froze for a minute before snaking his arms around her waist and holding her while she slept.

Even in the dark he could see all her features, and he just admired them.

He was confused about his feelings at first. He just thought that it was a petty crush and that he just wanted something interesting and that all these overwhelming feelings was just him being young and very hormonally controlled.

But she was the first thing he thought about when he woke up and the last thing he thought about before going to sleep. Christian knew that if he was feeling so much at such a young age there has to be something more there. He doesn't just have some petty crush on her, there are more to his feelings, more intrigue, more interest, more devotion.

He wanted all of her, good and bad.

He just hoped to God that one day she might feel the same way as well.

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