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16| Uh Oh

I shoved Christian away, which caused him to land on his back on the floor with a 'thud'.

I looked at Turi and he had a very angry expression on his face.

"Turi, listen I-" I started but he just stormed into my room and picked Christian up by the collar.

Christian didn't look intimidated or scared, and that pissed Turi off even more.

"Dude what are you doing?" Tello asks, coming into the room and looking at Turi and Christian before looking at me.

"Your friend here was about to lock lips with Ro!" Turi said, gripping Christian's collar even tighter.

Tello didn't say anything for a moment. He looked between Christian, then me, then Christian and then me again.

"Turi let him go. Chris?" Tello turns to his friend after having a staring contest with me.

Turi let him go and Christian straightened his shirt out again.

He looks at Tello with a bored expression, "Yes, Donatello?"

Tello jabs his thumb out, motioning that he wants to speak with him in the hallway. Christian sighs and follows him out.

Turi turned to me and grabbed my shoulders, crouching so that his face is level with mine.

"Did he force himself on you?" Turi asked angrily.

My eyes widened, "No he didn't!" I didn't ever want to think about someone forcing me to do anything.


"You aren't going out with him." Turi said with finality.

"She already said yes." Christian called out, while walking back into the room with Tello right behind him.

He came up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him.

My eyes widened and I went to yank his arm off of me but he just held my closer.

"Ro! You barely know this guy!" Turi exclaimed.

Tello just had a blank look on his face. "Turi, Vince said that the ball was in her park and obviously she likes him. She can get to know him."

I was so curious as to why Tello was so forthcoming and supportive about this. He was right, I barely knew Christian. I mean I got to know him some more a few minutes ago while he was feeding me dinner but that's not enough.

Which is why people go out, to get to know each other.

In a week's time I'm going to be turning fifteen. October 30th baby.

I already found out from Christian that his birthday is August 18th.

"Donny you can't possibly be okay with this?" Turi exclaimed as Tello dragged him out of my room, shooting me a warning look as if to say that what Turi caught earlier should not happen again.

"Why don't we go to the mall?" Christian asked me. I turned my head up to look at him, looked down at his arm around my waist before looking back up at him again.

"I mean sure. I haven't been to the mall around here." I said, prying myself away from him and grabbing my phone and wallet that had some cash that Marcus had given me a few days ago.

I really haven't been to a mall in years. I just went to whatever shop was nearest to my block and bought clothes when I needed them. I owned one nice dress if I ever went to a party but I rarely ever did.

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