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Aggro's P.O.V

I stretched and yawned. It was bedtime. Everyone was in the sleep cave. Everyone except Summer and Winger. Are they still at megablast island? Did they want to sleep there overnight? Or had something bad happened? I decided not to say anything about it.

"Aggro? Where's Summer? I haven't seen her all day." Leyla asked.

"And I can't find Winger. Do you think they went somewhere together?" Dak wondered.

"No idea where they are, try asking Cutter or Burple." I told them.

"We already did. Plus, I saw you whispering to Summer, remember? I know you know something about this." Leyla insisted.

"No really. I have no idea." I lied. But Leyla was onto me.

"Where did they go Aggro?" She said. "Ugh fine! They went to megablast island. I don't know why they haven't come back." I gave in and told them.

"I've never heard of a megablast island..." Dak said.

"Right! It's actually called berry island but Winger practices his megablast there so he calls it megablast island." I explained. Leyla gasped.

"Isn't that the one next to Hazard island?" She said, sounding worried.

"Uh-huh. It is." I confirmed.

"Did they go into the cave?" She asked.

"Yup. They did." I told her.

"Aggro! Dak! That cave shifts it's paths every five days! They could be stuck inside or wind up on a far away island!"

"Wait, another island? How does that work?" I asked.

"The tunnel travels undewater. It leads to multiple different islands all far from each other." Leyla said.

"So that means..."

"Winger and Summer are in danger!" Dak finished my sentence.

"Cutter! Burple! We have a rescue!" Leyla said.

Summer's P.O.V

We had wound up on a completely different island. Who knows how far we were from home?

"Summer I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get us lost!" Winger said.

"It's ok, I know you didn't mean to." I reassured him.

"What we need to focus on is how to get back to the Roost." We searched the island for any food or shelter. We found nothing.

"Maybe we try the cave again." Winger suggested.

"No way! Not until tomorrow, I'm exhausted." I said.

"Well I'm hungry." He told me.

"Any chance you could catch us some fish?"

"I can try." I walked over to the water.

It stretched out far, it looked like it never ended. I dove into the water. There were no fish in sight. I swam deeper. It grew dark quickly. Something was following me. I could hear the snake like sounds. I turned around ready to fight or flee if need be, but there was nothing there. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an eel shot toward my left arm. It grabbed on with it's razor teeth. I punched it's face and it let go. I swiftly swam up and flew out of the water.

"Eels!" I shouted to Winger. I landed in a heap on the cold night sand.

"It's ok, you're alright now." He was reassuring me.

My arm stung badly. I looked down at it. I was bleeding. Winger saw and left immediately. He came back shortly after with some vines and large leaves.

"We better bandage that up. Don't want it getting infected, you know?" He said. I held out my arm for him and he went right to work. When he had fully bandaged my arm, he rested his paw on mine.

"You're better now, no more eels can get you here." He said.

"Thanks Winger." I said back. We stayed like this for a few moments before Winger realized what he was doing. He quickly pulled his paw back and blushed.

"Look, it's been a long day, why don't we just get some sleep?" He said.

I nodded my head, pretty exhausted myself. Winger lead me to a circle of trees. He laid down under one of them, falling asleep shortly after. I laid down near him, giving him space. I listened to the sound of the waves and the crickets chirping in the night. Eventually I drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

The Dragon's Heart (A SummerXWinger story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora