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nobody knows this little rose —
it might a pilgrim be
did I not take it from the ways
and lift it up to thee.
only a bee will miss it —
only a butterfly,
hastening from far journey —
on its breast to lie —
only a bird will wonder —
only a breeze will sigh —
ah little rose — how easy
for such as thee to die! -Emily Dickinson

only a bee will miss it —only a butterfly,hastening from far journey —on its breast to lie —only a bird will wonder —only a breeze will sigh —ah little rose — how easyfor such as thee to die! -Emily Dickinson

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the package from god

Angeline wanted to start the day like everyone does, eating breakfast. Leaving their room at the same place time, she and Knox made their way to the mess hall.

"I'm telling you, nothing starts the day better than pancakes! Put some blueberries on there and I'm a happy woman!" Knox laughed, and raced ahead.

"Last one there has to sit next to Cameron!" Just as Angeline was about to take off, a hand made its presence on her shoulder. She turns around to face a younger boy, no older than ten.

"Mr. Nolan would like to see you in his office, preferably before the start of classes." Angeline made eye contact with Knox, who looked at her with concern, but she just shrugged.

"Just on without me, if I don't come back save me a piece of toast okay? Strawberry jam, not grape please!"

"No promises." And Angeline changed her direction to the headmaster's office. Now she wasn't afraid of what was to come. To her knowledge, she hadn't done anything wrong. And if she had, she was sure that she could cry her way out, with fake tears of course.

Reaching the door, Angeline knocked to alert the man of her presence. After hearing a quiet "come in", she pushed open the door to see the headmaster looking out the window overlooking the campus.

"You wished to see me sir?" He turned around and gestured to the package that was present on the desk.

"This was addressed to you. I'm sure that it is only forgotten school things." He paused and changed his tone. "You aren't expecting any more are you?"

Angeline stood silent. Whatever was in that package was not school things, that she was sure of. And her father would never send her anything that would distract her from her studies, no matter how much her mother pleaded. The girl could not think of anyone that would sent her a package, especially to her school.

"I don't know sir, I wasn't expecting any packages."The girl paused, and inched closer. "It's most likely from my brother, he's been at college in Maine for a couple years now. It's probably a welcome-to-school gift." As she finished her sentence, Angeline looked at the man. He waved the girl off.

rain and roses - steven meeksWhere stories live. Discover now