Hanging out

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A dare for Elbone and Magnus, from
"I dare Elbone and Magnus to hang out together for an entire day."

Magnus: Why?

Elbone: Oh this should be fun! I'll bring Rocky along too!

Magnus: Help.

Elbone: Hey why don't we go fishing?

Magnus: No.

Elbone: *starts dragging Magnus to his boat* don't worry! You'll like it!

*in the boat, out at sea*

Elbone: Isn't this fun?

Magnus: *is sea sick* No... it is not...

Elbone: Huh. Another fish. I am just too good at fishing. Hey! This gives me an idea! What if we started a business together!

Magnus: What if we didn't.

Elbone: I'll head us back to shore! Start thinking of a good business name for sheep herding!

Magnus: I don't want to be here.

Elbone: Rocky, What do you think? What? Scarf making? Are you sure?

Magnus: You are insane.

Elbone: I know right! Scarf making is a terrible idea! Wait, out of sheep's wool? Might not be such a terrible idea after all!

Magnus: You know that Rocky isn't alive, right?

Elbone: Yeah! I know! He isn't alive. He's alive and thriving!

Magnus: *sigh* when will this day end?

*back at the village*

Elbone: Just put them on!

Magnus: NO!

Elbone: Please?

Magnus: NEVER!

Elbone: But the color blends with your clothes!

Magnus: I will never wear those pink mittens!

Elbone: I need someone to display them on! And Rocky refuses to do it!

Magnus: And I refuse to do it!

Elbone: Why though?

Magnus: You know what? Why don't we just get a lunch break. I'm hungry.

Elbone: Good idea!

*after lunch*

Elbone: So What do you want to do now?

Magnus: I tried your fishing. Why don't you try and help me invent things?

Elbone: Ok!

*at Magnus's house*

Magnus: So I'm working on this one invention... Don't touch that!

Elbone: You mean this?

Magnus: Do not pull that lever!

Elbone: Pull the lever? Ok! *pulls lever* *invention blows up*

Magnus: Nooooooooo!

Axel: What was that? Oh, hey Elbone.

Magnus: He ruined my machine!

Elbone: Wait, you said not to pull the lever?

Magnus: *glares at Elbone* Axel. Clean this mess.

Axel: Why me?

Magnus: I've been asking that all day. So just do it.

Axel: *sighs* fine.

Elbone: Look! I made something!

Magnus: You aren't supposed to put those materials next to each other!!


Magnus: Why do I even bother.

*a day passes*

Magnus: My place is trashed! Axel!

Axel: What is it now?

Magnus: Straighten Up this place!

Axel: *groans* fine.

*back at the village*

Elbone: That was so fun! What do you think Rocky?


Elbone: You're right! We should have a bug collecting business!


Elbone: Wow you are so smart!


Elbone: What's That? Oh, Rocky says thanks for the dare!


Elbone: Until next time!

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