No confidence

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A dare for Cutter, from
"I dare Cutter to not be confident about himself for a whole day. Aggro will be there for moral support. BTW this is for the Rescue Riders to see how special Cutter is and that you should treat him better!"

Aggro: Ok chill out. We treat Cutter just fine.

Cutter: Why though? It's not like I'm any good....

Aggro: Oh thor it's already begun. By the way, I'm going to hate this dare because when ever Cutter talks bad about himself I get upset.

Cutter: What? So I'm not allowed to say the truth?

Aggro: It's not the truth you are an amazing dragon.

Cutter:......... thanks.

*outside of the Roost*

Leyla: Cutter green!

Cutter: *shoots spike and hits the bullseye*

Leyla: Nice Job!

Cutter: Huh. That's surprising.

Dak: Surprising how?

Cutter: I'm not normally good at things...

Summer: Aggro? Is he ok??

Aggro: Dare.

Summer: Oh that explains it. And I gotta say, I prefer our Cutter over depressed Cutter.

Winger: Yeah. By like, 1000 percent. I hate it when my friends talk trash about themselves.

Cutter: how can I talk myself about myself?

Burple: What?

Aggro: He's calling himself trash.

Burple: Oh. He's not trash!

Aggro: *puts her hand on Cutter's* you aren't trash. You are awesome.

Cutter:.........ok....... sure......

*a few hours later*

Aggro: You gonna eat anything Cutter?

Cutter: No. an idiot like me doesn't deserve food.

Aggro: Oh my... Cutter no. *picks up a fish and drops it at Cutter's feet* I insist that you eat this.

Cutter: Fine... *eats fish*

Aggro: You know that you aren't bad, right?

Cutter: No I don't know that.

Aggro: *sighs* If you're really gonna be that way. I'm staying with you tonight.

Cutter: Why?

Aggro: Because you feel unloved.

Cutter: Fine....

Aggro: *snuggles Cutter*

Cutter: *slightly blushes*

Aggro: Goodnight awesome dragon.


*the next day*

Cutter: *yawns and wakes up* Aggro?

Aggro: Hm?

Cutter: What happened yesterday?

Aggro: Let's just say you weren't yourself.

Cutter: A dare I'm guessing?

Aggro: Yup.

Cutter: Well then. Thanks for the dare!

Aggro: I wouldn't exactly say thanks....

Cutter: Until next time!

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