Sotto lo stesso cielo

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The blue skies glowed bright under Percy's face. "W-Water." He gasped. It'll be 20 minutes until the police arrives at his house.

They won't be too reckless to attack this time, he thought. "I'm sure they're going to shoot me dead." He hurried. He packed his clothes, his suit included and wore a red hoodie. He stuffed his mouth with cereal and anything he could find in his fridge.

"I'm gonna have to leave you all for a while," He said as he fed his koi. "I'll come back once a week to feed y'all." He smiled. Before leaving, he grabbed a shovel and walked away before the cops arrive.

He was on his way to 532 street. Hoping he would find something hidden on an empty lot there.

By foot, he arrived late afternoon. And as the sun set he started digging.

The neighborhood is very peaceful. No–it was barren. No one goes outside, not a single soul passes through the street.

But the grass here is fragrant. And it's so clean not even autumn leaves can touch the sidewalks.

Percy was hoping he would uncover something on that empty lot. He dug for 5 hours straight. He is now tired and inside a 5-foot hole. He found nothing. Just dirt, rock, and critters finally seeing the outside world.

He persisted. "Silver would have left it here. Unless someone had taken it before me."

Silver McRain was the famous pretty boy, it was the name given to him by the public. He was an arsonist, a maniac who was delighted by the sight of fire. And the person responsible for his downfall was Pandorra. Pandorra herself.

Percy was forced to move out and seek asylum as soon as he can. And the key–the key that was supposed to be here is now gone.

He stood up and walked another mile. He found himself at the railroad monuments. An abandoned railroad filled with stacks of bricks and container vans.

He was hoping Silver was here. That he had gotten his key and opened up the docking house.

As Percy walked, he heard a booming radio. "So someone does live here," he uttered. He was hoping it was Silver. He ran towards the building and swatted the door open.

The radio continued to buzz, there was no one inside. There were crumbs of bread on the floor and the faucet was dripping. "Someone's here." The only weapon Percy has here is his shovel.

He was parched. He drank the murky water that poured down the rusty faucet. Then he heard footsteps.

"Who are you?" Percy's eyes glowed.

"You're Silver, right?" Percy sat down on a couch. "I need something from you."

"What is it." Silver was a tall man, bald and covered in burns. It has been 5 years since he escaped that burning house, it was Pandorra's last case until this time.

"I have been following you and I had some information of you from Pandorra." Percy had accessed her files from that flashdrive he stole. And he saw an opportunity. "I need Pandorra's personal information."

Silver stood up and kicked down a pile of coal. A folder lied down in there. Percy wondered why did he just place it there?

Everything in this place did not make sense. It made Percy think back, this could be the life he'll end up with. He dislikes the place. It's smelly, dirty, and even an animal like him would not survive in this habitat.


"You're giving it up easily?"

"I gave up easily." Silver sat down.

"I was supposed to be bringing her down. But I failed. I planned on walking back up but I realized I just want to live,"

Percy chuckled. "You? Wanted to live?"

"That time made me think I was a monster. And it felt good." Silver stood up and turned the radio off. "You must be the man they're talking about all over the news."

Silver guessed it. "You are a mass murderer." Feels good, right? "Do me a favor for that thing in your hands."

"Hit me in the head. At this point what am I supposed to do with my life? Sleeping and waking up. I just want to give myself a break. Besides, I don't have enough food supplies left." Silver walked out the docking house.

"Hit me in the head with your shovel." Percy followed him. "Death should just be like sleeping. But forever,"

The crows all flew from an old electric line, up into the skies as they heard the loud metal clang as Percy assisted Silver to his suicide.

"Tough life. I'll never be like you." Percy left his shovel beside him.

"But you make sense. Death. Yes death, is just sleeping forever. But we're not making it into neither side. We're too sinful for heaven and too evil for hell."

Percy walked away with a key he got from Silver's pocket. "I'm gonna borrow that expensive apartment of yours."

Death. Is Just Forever Sleep. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now