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"Paris Covington," She took a deep breath as Richard Leaf spoke her name. "The person who was in your room was named Percy Night. Were you aware he was the city's most vile serial killer?"

"Yes. And I saw how he became a monster." Richard was interested. Paris bit her lips in nervousness.

She recalled the scene.

"He was sweating buckets, and he was very calm. He looked at me with narrow pupils.

He smiled at me before putting on his body suit, he was like an animal. His posture crouched more and his steps were heavy.

There were big thuds as he walked around my apartment searching for a weapon.

When he arrived at the door he cooled down. He was holding on both hands a knife and a leash."

"Did he do something to you?"

"No," Richard was shocked. "he looked at me like I was a person–"

"and not a victim. I see." Richard's stern voice echoed. Pandorra sat on the corner without making a noise.

Pandorra then arrived on a conclusion. She had taken a different path, describing his behavior as if he was an animal.

She stood up and joined the two. "We are not just dealing with a person here. He is an animal," She locked her eyes onto Paris' dirt-colored eyes. "don't believe in your feelings. Percy did not see you as a person, we are all prey here."

Pandorra noticed the woman in front of her shaking. As if the incident had just taken place at the same hour. Paris reminded her of her sister.

She shook that thought away and straightened her posture.

Paris nodded. "Will I be able to go back to my normal life?"

"What do you mean?" Pandorra was fazed by her question. "With these media fucks all around you're not safe. It's best that you stay at home."

Richard sat in silence. He still haven't seen the mayor. If the mayor finds out he still hasn't done anything significant on this case, he'll be in a tight situation. But at least this girl is safe. He thought.

Paris still can't shake that warm feeling. When Percy looked at him with his shaded eyes, she felt reassured. But the fear is still there.

She is confused, Pandorra thought as she was observing her.

"I'm going to meet with the Mayor today." Richard left quickly, leaving the two women behind.

"Tell me Paris, what do you really feel?" Pandorra saw her eyes gleam. It scared her.

"To be honest, I don't know. I feel really scared knowing that he's a monster, but when I recall the scene it's different. I felt like I was safe, assured."

Pandorra had a grimace painted on her face. "Assured? What exactly did he tell you?"

"To just be in my bed. Just be in my room." Paris noticed Pandorra chuckle under her breath. "You wouldn't understand Pandorra."

Pandorra read her eyes. She had seen those eyes before, and it scared her. She's in love.

"Whatever you feel, dear be sure of it. And once you know what you feel be honest about it. But you need to understand the situation," Pandorra gave her a pat on her back. "we need you. Trust me, we'll save many lives."

Paris arrived at her apartment with food prepared. Apparently the police provided her something to eat.

From Richard. It said on the food wrapper. She was delighted.

She walked towards the shattered window and looked outside. After that day everyone was forced to be at their homes, especially children. But some are persistent. They're still seen walking around town, usually just people off to their work.

Nonetheless it was a delight for her to see the busy avenue peaceful for once. The police still haven't tracked him. She heard that his house was as clean as marble. There were no traces of murder or the missing bodies from his killing sprees.

"He kept 12 kois?" She was surprised. She was reading the police report from an online newspaper.

She sat down beside her window. "Whoever you are, I don't like you." She caressed her growing orchids and sighed. "You're a monster."

Richard arrived at the Mayor's office. And he was fuming.

"You have to do something Richard!" Mr. Leaf felt so little beside the mayor's presence. "For fuck's sake Richard, use your head!"

"Yes sir," He answered. "I have contacted the 5 cities bordering our territory. They are searching for him too."

"Good. That's what I want to hear." Richard took a deep exhale upon hearing that. "We need a power that's coming from the media."

"What do you mean sir?"

"We need to make the whole nation watch us." Wilbur wanted the whole country to watch him catch this killer. He has always liked the word fame. If in his name and term, this 'bug' is caught, he'll be recognized.

Richard understood what the mayor meant. They need a representative of that fear. A representative of great despair. He had one person in mind,

"Sir, I want the media to focus on Paris Covington."

Death. Is Just Forever Sleep. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now