The strings

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2 pm: before Percy acquired Pandorra's information from Silver McRain.

"Silver," she called on the phone. "the deal."

Silver chuckled. "Now? What do you want me to do?"

"Percy Night, the 'new' specimen, is after my information. And the tracker leads me to 532 Street. But I lost it. He's probably on his way there."

Pandorra sighed. "He's got a handful information of you."

Pandorra predetermined an outcome. With Percy having her flashdrive, she needs something to put her back into the game.

"Check the fake profile you acquired from the FBI." Pandorra ordered him. Her voice had a hint of desperateness. And she never seemed to display such behavior before. "Give it to him." She said.

"I'm not doing it." Silver said calmly.

"What? Silver, you know the deal."

"I'm not even sure if she's still alive."

"Arco is still alive," Pandorra insisted. "I know where she lives, what she is doing. And if you're not doing it, I'm going put her to rest."

Silver sighed. He brushed the charcoal dust that clouded his eyes. "Just ensure her safety." He went to his dusty drawer, beside his bag of cocaine is Pandorra's fake profile that he seemed to keep after his days as a public enemy have come to an end.

Pandorra was relieved. She knew this bloody bastard still loved that woman. But the sadness in his voice was clear, it puzzled Pandorra. His charisma faded away.

Raspberry Arco was the name of Silver's most precious diamond. It was never her real name, Silver never knew. He loved her but he never knew, and he never knew her name.

Silver chuckled. "I can't believe I fell for this 'real' profile the FBI had given me."

"Pandorra was never a Grayson. She never had siblings, and for this one it's fake."  He turned to the second page. "And this, the only thing that is real here is her condition."

Silver and Pandorra had quite an interesting past. A seemingly love-hate relationship.

"Raspberry Arco. It's been years." He caressed a fading picture of her woman. Strong red lipstick and a jet black hair.

She was a dream.

She stood up, "Richard, can I borrow your car?" He did not answer. He was tired. Pandorra just picked it up from his side and left.

As she navigated the hospital hallways, she saw Swordtail and other police officers. She hid her face from them.

She drove to the east, Sunrise district. She found what seemed to be a very peaceful and neat house. The lawn is tamed, the lights are on.

"I never thought Percy lived in this nice home." She walked up the fenceless entrance and immediately saw a pond.

"He was not lying. He really kept these butterfly Koi." She noticed that they came up to her as soon as her silhouette appeared on the water. "They're hungry."

She barged inside the house. It was unlocked but no signs of recent activity. It was just unlocked for no reason at all.

The whole place was clean. But the stench of blood, and the brown stains on the wall made Pandorra feel eerie.

There was fish food on the table. Kept in a large jar. She ignored it for a second and scanned the place.

The security cameras installed last month was rewired. The lenses are not following her. And it's so bright.

On the living room, there was a small compartment. She kicked it open, it was a basement.

The smell of alcohol soothed her. It was therapeutic.

And then she saw an array of weapons. Stuff that are made for killing–no, they're not just for killing,

She gasped. "Is this a torture chamber?"

The clothes of his victims hung around the place. And bits of hair scattered around.

"Percy is very clean. Very very clean." She said as she sniffed the fragrance of alcohol.

She went back to the table, took handful of fish food in her hand and walked to his pond.

"Here fishies, eat up."

The air here feels fresh. She thought. She looked around. The place is empty. And the lights, the neighborhood is dark.

A couple Toyotas come and go but no one seems to live here. Only him.

She went to the other houses and found murder. "So these are unrecorded cases."

No one knew he killed these families. No one came to check.

Astonished, she went back to the car and drove home. "Richard." She spoke to her phone. "We have at least 20 unrecorded victims."


"Yes. Percy."

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