Jim Henson/Puppet

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"Are you serious?" Pandorra chuckled. She's lying down on the hospital bed after she collapsed on the mayor's public appearance just an hour ago.

"You don't want to kill me Swordtail." She pushed the gun back to Swordtail's face.

"What makes you say that?" His face grew more menacing.

"You and the mayor will not win. Without me, you two are dead meat." Swordtail was quiet. "Where is Richard?"

"He's dead. Swallowed shards of glass and a broken spine."

Pandorra was shocked. She knew they will not win against him. But the way he died, she was not expecting him to die.

"Call the mayor now." Pandorra sternly ordered Swordtail.

"It's Pandorra." She said on the phone.

"What do you need?" Wilbur answered.

"Richard is dead," the mayor did not answer. "appoint me as the temporary commanding chief."

"What are you saying? You're just a mere doctor!" Wilbur was exploding. But Pandorra, he is giving himself to Pandorra's strings.

"You're mad–frustrated rather. I will help you. I will give you all the credit,"

"Assure me that you would catch that stupid son of a bi–no. Kill him."

Pandorra walked in to the press conference looking like a different person. Hair tied up, black suit instead of beige, crimson lips instead of just a gloss.

"We would like to ask details of Paris Covington's death. Are the footages of her, 25 minutes before her death serve as evidence?"

"We cannot extract anything from those footages. Her death is a mystery," Pandorra recalled watching it online.

Paris' figure grew more pale. She was running left and right the hallway. Like someone's trying to catch her.

She went inside the elevator and seemed to be talking with someone imaginary. She pressed all the buttons.

"And minutes after that she was found dead inside the water tank." Pandorra ended it with a deep exhale. "It's a complete mystery."

It isn't a mystery. Pandorra's lying.

Pandorra drove her to insanity. Telling her that he's in love with an animal, that it was her fault at the city hall incident.

"I knew her personally. And she was a very sweet girl. She was another victim,"

Paris did not want to help. She did not want to be involved anymore. Pandorra was growing desperate.

Wake up Paris, wake up!

Pandorra is a liar. She knows it. She is not Pandorra Grayson, she doesn't have siblings. She doesn't care about Richard, and she–she's doing this not for the mayor.

"I'm doing this for the people." She looked at the camera. Her bright, kind eyes twinkled.

No. You're doing this for no one.

Just for once, I want to feel power. She thought.

She is now a monster as Percy is. She thought it's the best way to battle some kind of psychologically hybrid of a person.

Fear to fear.

A day after the press conference

Pandorra worked with the FBI and CIA. No internal police involvement, no interventions from the mayor.

"Can y'all pinpoint where he is now?" Pandorra asked. She sat in a metal chair, pondering about Percy's fate if she is able to capture him.

She thought of using him as a lab rat. A person she could torment, to test her hypothesis. She was fiddling with a dice, and she threw it in the air.

"We found him. But this place, we can't penetrate this area."

"Where is he?"

"According to a sicario, intel from one district, said he lived inside Silver McRain's drug paradise."

She was puzzled. How did he get the keys from Silver? The only way he could get those is if he is dead.

Did he kill Silver? She's stuck. Silver's greatest fear is death. He always finds a way to live,

"We can't enter the upper state. We'd be gunned down. There aren't enough numbers, they were killed last week."

She can't wait any longer. Her desperation is growing every hour.

She can't let him escape like what he did last time.

"Call the military."

Her decisions are getting more rash than the other. Her inexperience in the field, the feeling like she's running out of time, it's all adding up.

I'm going to fail. She thought.

Pandorra calmed down. There is another way, she spoke to herself. The suffocation kept growing but she insisted. There is another way.

"No. I change my mind, do not ask for their assistance."

Numbers doesn't work on him. She's seen it from his attack on the avenue.

"Our target here is a strange case," she jotted down on an empty pad. "his hidden persona, his mind and body are all aligned. They match."

"He possesses inhuman strength, animal instincts and he is knowledgeable on human anatomy. He knows where to kill you."

"Do you think we can take him down?" She asked. It's all or nothing now.

"Ma'am, yes ma'am!" The voices of 52 men resonated around the research hall.

52 men are all puppets now. Her puppets.

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