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4:26 p.m

stella 💛
hi angel
i have a questionnnnn

angel boy
hello beautiful
i have an answer

stella 💛
so alyx is having a lil shindig at her place tonight
some of our friends are going to be there
and i would really like it if u would be my date
i want to formally introduce u to all
my friends!!!!

angel boy
a date huh 😏
im down that sounds super fun

stella 💛
yay cant wait to kiss ur FACE
heres her address (xxxxx)
we are all already here so come whenever u want <3

"Guys, Timmy is here! Can someone open the door for him?" I said while squeezing the lime into the margarita mixture, preparing our drinks for the night. Blair practically squealed and bounded to the door, whipping it open to reveal the boy that has practically stolen my heart over the past month. Since the Elliot incident, Timothée and I have continued to see each other, completely forgetting the event that occurred last week. Things had been amazing, and we were just spending the time getting to know each other and exploring this new territory for both of us. As Timothée walked into the kitchen, I physically felt my heart stutter at the sight of him. For some odd reason, he always managed to take my breath away with his elegance and beauty. He walked over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pressing his lips to my temple.

"Hi." I whispered, reaching around to hug him.

"You guys are so darn adorable it makes me sick." Aly said as she made her way into the kitchen, Vienna trailing behind her. I smiled, grabbing Timothée's hand, which was slightly clammy, signaling his nervousness towards meeting my friends.

"Timothée, these are my best friends; Alyx, Vienna and Blair. They're a bit insane, as you will see tonight but they mean well." Blair was the first to hug him, soon followed by Vienna and lastly, Alyx.

"Alyx, I have to say I absolutely love your album. I'm a big fan of your music." Timmy confessed, Alyx quickly thanking him and professing how much she loves his movies. As the interaction occurred, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Seeing my friends and the guy I like getting along makes my heart swell with a feeling I can't quite place.

"Well, lets start drinking!" Blair exclaimed, grabbing some of the margaritas I made and handing them out. I turned to Timothée as our little group dispersed. I grabbed his hand, leading him into the living room and onto the couch.

"Everyone else should be here soon, too. I can't wait for you to meet everyone." I told him, both of us slowly sipping our drinks.

"I'm kind of nervous to meet all your cool youtube friends." He laughed, eyebrows raised. I laughed, shaking my head. 

"If anything they're nervous to meet you." Timothée rolled his eyes, laughing.

The doorbell rang, and Alyx bounded over to the door to let the rest of our friends in. Despite what Timmy thinks, not all of them are YouTubers. Actually, most of them are normal college kids that we've met on one too many drunken nights out, that we've just grown to be super close with. There's also some of Alyx's friends in the music industry that have made their way into our little group. 

As the night progressed, more of our friends came and we danced and sang for hours, enjoying eachothers company. Soon, people started filing out of the apartment, and all that was left was Vienna, Alyx, Blair and Timothée. As everyone we began to wind down, we started taking pictures for Vienna's film account. At some point of us all being squeezed onto the couch, I ended up in Timothée's lap, his arm secured tightly around my waist. Vienna snapped a few shots of us with her disposable, and then returned to taking photos of everyone else. I would be lying if I said me and Timmy weren't being a bit handsy considering every few minutes or so Alyx would tell us to get a room, and everyone would laugh leaving me and him blushing like mad.

"I think I'm gonna head out soon, if thats okay? I have an early radio interview tomorrow morning." Timothée whispered, his fingers stroking my waist. I nodded, yawning.

"Alright, I'm spending the night here, so I can walk you down." We stood up, Timothée saying his goodbyes to everyone. I grabbed his hand, leading him out of the apartment and into the elevator. As we exited Alyx's building, Timothée turned to me, smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" I laughed, shifting under his gaze.

"I just had a really good time with you tonight." He said, getting closer. I smiled, happy that he enjoyed himself.

"I'm glad, I was kind of nervous you wouldn't like my friends." I confessed. He grabbed my hands, bringing them up to his lips.

"I could never not like any person important to you. If they're worthy of your time they must be pretty special." He said, kissing my hands, warming them up from the chilly night air. I blushed.

"Wow, you have such a way with words, Romeo."

"Only for you." He said, finally leaning down and connecting our lips. I wrapped my hands around his neck, his around my waist. He deepened the kiss, my hands sliding up to his hair. As we pulled away for air, I smiled up at him.

"What?" He laughed. I shook my head, looking at the ground.

"Nothing... you just make me really happy." I said, quickly pecking his lips once again. He smiled,

"When can I see you again?" He asked. I smirked, placing my hand on my chin as if I would ever have to think of a time I didn't want to be around him.

"Hmm, I'll have to check my schedule, but I'm pretty positive I can always make time for you."


a/n this ended so awkwardly idk why i struggled writing this so much :(( 

*edited 3/30/21*

𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬// timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now