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Forgive me on this late chapter post ;-; Thanks so much for the support everyone!! School work is kicking me in the face right now so sorry if I do update a bit late.. But hopefully you enjoy this chapter! Thanks again guys!♡


Another day at Yokai Academy, where I'm sitting in class and being absolutely bored out of my life. I didn't bother with paying attention on Ms. Nekonome's lecture, so I laid my head against my arms while gazing out at the window.

While daydreaming, I hear the door slide open. I brought my head up to see a girl with long purple hair and blue eyes. She wore the same checkered skirt like other female students, but instead of a green blazer, the girl wears a white sweatshirt with long dark blue sleeves, a black singlet beneath it, and a golden pendant over her neck. Along with it, she had long, purple-striped stockings with white shoes and a brown belt tied to her left leg.

She took a seat right in front of me and I could feel a cold breeze hitting my face as soon as she sat down.

"I'm so happy you decided to join us today!" Ms. Nekonome says cheerfully, but the girl only nods as her response.

"Well everyone, this is Mizore Shirayuki. Due to certain circumstances she hasn't been able to attend school. So everyone I ask of you to be nice and treat her like a friend!"


"So we're having the party at the club room right?" I asked Moka and Kurumu. The three of us were by the concession stands, waiting on Yukari to buy the snacks and drinks. We all decided to host a celebration for our hot debut in the newspaper club after the success on our topic about the Peeping Tom being Ginei, our club president.

"Guys I got the goodies! Let's go!" Yukari carried some bags that had the snacks and drinks. "No alcohol right?" Yukari nodded, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey, when we get back to the club room, I have a special homemade cake with your name on it~" The succubus pressed her melons on my arm. I let out a surprised squeak and tried to free myself from her grasp.

"Hey! Don't you think you're getting a little too close!!" The vampire drags Kurumu away from me, heading to the club room with her. Yukari giggled while I anxiously scratched my nape.

"By the way.. Where's Tsukune? Wasn't he supposed to buy snacks and drinks with you, Yukari?" I question the little witch as my eyes looked around to find the plain human boy.

"He said he was heading to the restroom, but that was fifteen minutes ago.." Yukari said, also joining my search in looking for Tsukune.

"Can you go on ahead to the club room? I'll go look for him." The witch nods before both of us part ways. After Yukari was out of my sight, Leonidas makes his appearance on my shoulder in his ball form.

"Try checking outside. I actually saw him earlier while you were talking with Moka and Kurumu. He went with the transfer student from your class." I raised a brow, remembering the cold appearance of the new girl.

"Mizore? I don't like the feeling of that.. He might be in trouble." Leonidas agrees, "You read my mind. Now let's hurry before something does happen." I nod and immediately sprinted out of the building and into the dreaded forest. I kept running until I saw two figures by a small lake.

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