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The Dead Poets Society convened that weekend in the cave, daring to meet in daylight. All members were present, save Neil and Azalea.

"He should be coming," Camille told the others. "He said he'd had an idea."

"And where's our dear Azalea?"

"Having dinner with her father," Scarlett answered. 

Meeks immediately looked up. 

"WIth her father?"

"Yes, it's not that uncommon. Last year, he'd make her come home almost once a month."

This could only mean one thing: Meeks was the only person who knew how horrible his girlfriend's father was. He began to fidget, concerned. When Charlie began passing around pipes, he immediately took one. Lighting it, he inhaled and exhaled, shocking everyone.

Pitts meanwhile coughed, not used to the smoke filling his lungs. 

"Atta boy Pittsie, inhale deeply," Charlie told him, expertly smoking his own pipe.

"My dad collects pipes," Meeks said, eager to get the worry about Azalea out of his mind. She'll be fine, it's just dinner. Or at least, he hopes.

"Really? Mine's got about thirty," Charlie shot back, determined to compete.

"Your parents collect pipes? Oh, that's really interesting," Pitts interjected sardonically.

"C'mon Knox, join in."

Scarlett wafted smoke into the sad boy's face, but he just sighed.

"Yeah, Knox, we're from the government. We're here to help, man," Meeks added.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Chris. Here's a picture of Chris for you," Pitts sniggered, holding up the old centerfold.

"That's not funny," Knox muttered.

"Knock it off. Smoke your pipes," Charlie admonished the pair of nerds harassing poor lover boy. Lilith laughed and he pulled her into his side.

"Neil!" Camille cried, catching sight of him 

"Friends, scholars, Welton men,and women."

Their exuberant friend held up a lamp,.

"What's that?"

"Duh, it's a lamp Meeks."

"No," Neil interrupted Pitts and Meeks banter. "This is the god of the cave."

Out of nowhere, Charlie began plating loud, obnoxious notes on his saxophone. 


"What do say we start this meeting?" he smirked.

"Yeah right just give me a -- gotta find-"

"Got any earplugs?" Cameron asked.

"Ladies and gentlemen, "Poetrusic" by Charles Dalton."

Erratic, off-key notes came from the saxophone.

"Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling.

Gotta do more. Gotta be more."

More irritating appalling noises from the saxophone.

"Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming

Gotta do more! Gotta be more!"

A real tune, a beautiful melody emerged from the saxophone. Music filled the cave as Charlie played. Lilith watched him, this magnificent boy, as he swayed gently with the music.

When he finished, the cave erupted into cheers.

"That was great! Where' you learn to play like that?" Pitts asked.

"My parents made me take the clarinet for years."

"I love the clarinet!" Cameron joined eagerly.

"I hated it," Charlie grinned. "The saxophone...the saxophone is more...sonorous."

"Ooh! Vocabulary," Lilith teased, garnering a cheeky grin from the saxophone player.

All of a sudden, Knox spoke. 

"I can't take it anymore. If I don't have Chris I'm gonna kill myself."

Scarlett and Camille exchanged worried glances.

"Knoxious, you gotta calm down."

"No, Charlie. That's just my problem.I've been calm all my life. I'll do something about that."

With that, he scrambled to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Scarlett called after him.

"I'm gonna call her."

A/N kinda short chapter

but the next one is gonna 

tragic af so be prepared

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