viginti quattuor

907 103 12

there is no granular solution

for a broken newsfeed.




"money is the reason

we exist

everybody knows it

it's a fact, kiss-kiss."

lana del rey +++ national anthem

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lana del rey +++ national anthem




remodeler's POV


no no no no no no no

i run down the stairs, trip though my house. i get to the front door, smash it open. i don't bother putting on shoes or grabbing anything. i have to see if the workshop is still there, if jungkook burned it down...

or if he's even alive.


the gravel of the driveway cuts up my feet as i run. i trip over my own legs, diving into the gravel with a groan. my palms scrape the ground underneath me, stinging mercilessly as i try to right myself again. fuck fuck fuck!

the late autumn birds chirp out their happy morning songs, filling my ears with terrible symphonies. their cheeps sound awful, misplaced, as if a programmer had copied and pasted their forms onto the trees bordering my property and looped their throats to repeat the same song. it heightens my sense of desperation as i race towards the workshop, thankfully not spotting any smoke billows emitting from the building.

i only like one kind of music, one voice, and that's the voice of the boy that i'm trying to get to.

the boy who i made a huge mistake on.

with shaky hands, i unlock the workshop door, crossing the space towards the basement door. i yank it open, nearly tumbling down the stairs with my now raw soles. step step step and i'm in the tool room, then the hallway, then at his door.

he's not singing, but it could be too early. HEMIGHTBEDEAD. he might not even be awake yet.

i don't bother knocking. HURRYUP. instead, i unlock the door in a frenzy. 



i peer in, flipping the light switch on. he turned it off for some reason...probably to see the flame...better. my guts swish around uncomfortably, even though i didn't eat anything yet today. the smell lingering in the air is enough to make me sick. burnt flesh and charred clothing hits my nose as i scan the room.

thɘ remodelɘr ( + j.jk) ✓Where stories live. Discover now