quadraginta quinque

593 64 21

trees and apples really

shouldn't fall far.




"tell me i'm just a baby, honey

beat me and tell me no one will love me

better than you do,

better than you do."

lana del rey +++ smarty

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lana del rey +++ smarty




jungkook's POV

i huddle against the window, watching taehyung head towards the workshop outside yet again. we just finished our breakfast, kissed, and then he left me to sit here with my thoughts.

he's trying to get the rest of the remodeling work done for the adversias. he's putting together the final touches, the final pieces, before he flips their kitchen into a masterpiece. i'm so excited to see it later--and i will, when we go to their mansion to kill them.

taehyung catches me watching him through the window and offers a brief smile before he disappears behind the workshop door. i hum, rocking myself against the cold glass. the days are getting colder as october comes to a close, and my mind is growing more and more anxious to get rid of the adversias.

emily hasn't called in a while. the last few days, to be exact. i think it has something to do with taehyung threatening george when they met up, but i can't be sure. he won't tell me what exactly happened or crossed his mind the day he found me laying on the porch...and ever since then he's been acting strange. 

at first i didn't realize it. at first i thought he was just being careful. the lighter on our nightstand disappeared one day, which made sense--he doesn't want me to hurt myself. i simply accepted it.

"you're so precious to me, jungkook. please don't do that ever again."

he told me before we kissed and kissed a few nights back. every night we kiss and kiss, yet somehow i think he's avoiding going farther than that. his hands always rest lightly on my waist, lips soft against mine. whenever i try to take it farther, he always tells me to rest, to take it easy. he moves away, leaving me upset. 

i think he knows i'm upset too.

but i try to stay on the bright side. the bright side of the hill that's constantly kissed by the warm, fiery sun...not the shadowed curve holding countless bodies in its dark grasp.

every time taehyung's out shopping, meeting with clients, or fixing up furniture in the workshop, i imagine what it would be like to live not in his house. i imagine going back to my apartment, washing up, falling asleep on my hard mattress without taehyung by my side. but i can't. this new normal that i'm used to--hiding, planning out murder, holding him while i sleep, it's not something i ever want to give up.

thɘ remodelɘr (k.th + j.jk) ✓Where stories live. Discover now