quinquaginta unus

517 57 26

a ruse untouched is

a life spent in ignorance.




"you're burning up, i'm cooling down

you're up, i'm down,

you're blind, i see.

but i'm free, ooh, i'm free."

lana del rey +++ brooklyn baby

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lana del rey +++ brooklyn baby




third person POV

taehyung sets his baby down on the gravel outside, far from the house that is enraged by flames. jungkook is still unconscious and his clothes are smoldering; taehyung had to beat the flames out of the younger's hoodie while he sprinted away from the inferno.

he plops next to jungkook on the gravel. choking out breaths, forcing oxygen into his lungs and smoke out of them. after he's finished, he brushes jungkook's hair back and traces his face like it's the last thing on earth.

a mixture of pride, horror, shock, and love rush through taehyung at once with the reminder of what just happened. 

he'd been in the study, writing up their new murder plans, when jungkook had started screaming for him. at the noise, his legs bolted him down the stairs to hear the very last bit of what emily said over the phone.

"taehyung's house."

that's when taehyung knew she had disobeyed their agreement. she ratted them out to george.

she must have sobered up enough to understand what she had agreed to and felt guilty enough to call him...or perhaps she had a lift of indestructible confidence--that she was going to kill george and there was nothing he could do about it. bragging rights, in other terms.

taehyung thinks the blond bitch probably called george for the latter reason, probably trying to scare her blackmailer into an apology or a plead not to be killed. she probably wanted to hear him beg for her not to do it and kiss the ground she was on in repentance.

emily was really stupid.

then, his baby had started burning her alive with his makeshift flame spray, laughing and kicking her down again and again. it entranced taehyung, watching jungkook act that way. at first he did nothing but watch, admire the insanity dancing across jungkook's bright brown eyes and rejoicing in the horrible suffering of emily's burning flesh. 

but it got out of hand much too quickly. taehyung found himself trying to put out the couch fire while jungkook and emily moved away from it, only for more pieces of furniture to catch on fire in his wake. that's when he realized jungkook needed to stop with the flames, or else they wouldn't make it out of the house alive.

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