Chapter - 3 : Typical Sanskar!

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"Badi Bhabhi, Sanskar Dada has arrived" Ramesh came and stood at entrance of kitchen to informed about arrival of the elder son of the house.

Annapurna and Sujara looked at each other with bright smile, this was the moment they were waiting from last 8 years.

Swara was helping all ladies in kitchen of Maheshwari. She was arranging salad plate. She gasped heavily at the news and skipped her heartbeat when she heard from Ramesh that Sanskar has arrived in Maheshwari House.

Annapurna and Sujara left hurriedly from kitchen to welcome him followed by Reva.

"Sujata bring arati thal" Annapurana said with teary eyes, her loving nephew is going to step inside home after 8 years.

Each member of family was having satisfactory and delightful expressions on their faces. Even though they used to visit him in US every year, his arrival to home was something they waited from last two years. They were expecting his arrival after his MBA which was two years back but Sanskar wanted to strengthen Karma Business House roots in US market which he did successfully over last 8 years. He joined Karma's US based counterpart when he moved to US as trainee when he was doing his Engineering. After finishing his MBA, he was selected as youngest director on Karma Management body and 2 months back he was unanimously selected as new CEO for Karma during AGM through Shareholders and Investors voting.

Swara drank couple of glasses of water, her wait was over. She was going to face him after long wait. She took deep breath closing her eyes to control her overexcitement. She was feeling nervous and thrilled. Her heart was beating in her ribcage with fasted speed. She felt trembling of her hands, her palm became icy cold. She wanted to run outside and take one glance of him but at the same time she wanted to go away to avoid him.

"Swara didi, Badi Bhabhi is calling you." Chanda said entering kitchen.

Chanda's voice broke Swara's trance and she nodded in daze with fake smile.

'Will he even remember me?' thinking this Swara crossed her fingers, took a step towards drawing room with thumping heart to see her first love after long wait.

Swara's POV

"What congratulations DP Bhai? Where is our pride?" I heard Papa shouting with extreme happiness on the call. We were sitting on the dinner table and Mumma was serving me and Papa.

'Pride that means Sanskar, what did he achieve now?' I rolled my eyes trying to run my brain in all directions. My all concentration went on the phone conversation.

"Bhai can you please give phone to Sanskar?" Papa asked over phone and continued looking at Mumma "Reva, Sanskar earned scholarship for Harvard University for his Engineering." Proud feeling was oozing out from Papa's voice and eyes. Sanskar was his always favourite.

Whereas Mumma, closed eyes with bright smile keeping her right-hand fingers on middle of her collarbone to pray for her lovely son.

I was thrilled with the revelation, I had tears in my eyes with proud feel. But then next moment it felt my heartbeat stopped thinking if he earned scholarship that means he will soon go away from me and I felt stream of tears on my cheeks. I cannot bear him away from my eyesight. I wiped them making sure my parents are not noticing it.

"Congratulations my son. We all are so so proud of you." Papa wished over phone and continued looking as Muma, who was signaling him with her hands to pass phone receiver, "Sanskar talk to Reva, she wants to wish you"

"Sanskar my son, hearty congratulations. May Kanhaji keep his blessings on  you every time" Mumma wished him when Papa passed phone receiver to her.

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