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Your P.O.V.~

Classes were finally over for the day. So you and Addison headed towards the gym, for your cheer captain test. You dropped your backpacks down on the ground by the door, on top of a large pile of backpacks, belonging to the other cheerleaders. 

You and Addison walked over to the front of the group of cheerleaders, with your backs to the bleachers as you smiled at your teammates. You spotted Bucky out of the corner of your eye, taking notes on a clipboard. So he really was taking this seriously.

"We are so fired up to be running cheer practice," Addison said with a cheery smile.

"Together, we can do anything." You said clapping your hands, together happily.

"(Y/N/N), Addi." Bree who was at the front of the group whispered pointing towards the bleachers.

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only," Addison called to the werewolves politely.

"Ha! Just try and get us to leave." Wynter yelled standing up on the bleachers. 

"Wynter. Some respect." Wyatt said putting a hand on Wynter's wrist as he stood up beside her.

"We don't want you to leave." You said all of a sudden confusing everyone including your sister. "Stay. Show us what you can do." You said looking directly at Wyatt.

The werewolves agreed and headed down the bleachers, all of them finding a partner. You were about to go to Wyatt but you already found him preparing to cheer with Addison. So you begrudgingly turned towards JC, who was beside, you. 

"Five, six, seven, eight!" You screamed.

And just like that Bucky started the music, and everyone began to cheer. You did some flips, at the front of the crowd, as JC held your waist, then you landed in a split, threw your hands up as JC flipped over you. You then jumped up as JC, was joined by three other boys. They put their hands together for you to step onto. 

Once you stood up on their hands, you put one hand on JC's shoulder and one hand, on Ryan's, shoulder as they threw you up into the air. You twirled in the air, before adding in JC's open arms. 

And just like that the song stopped, so JC, helped you back up into a standing position. You dusted off your cheer uniform ready to walk away since you and JC didn't like each other you just worked with each other when you had to like right now.

"(Y/N), wait." JC called from over your shoulder. So you turned around to face him.

"Yes?" You asked, looking at him.

"I- um I just wanted to say, I like your hair." He said smiling wait shyly?

"Very funny! No 'Hey snowball?'" You asked annoyedly.

"No, actually do like your hair but Bucky, insisted, that I insult you for it." He said, sincerely. "I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, I guess." You said with a smile as you looked over his shoulder, to see Addison hugging  Wyatt. 

"That was so amazing!" You said walking over to where Wyatt, Addison and the other werewolves, were standing. 

"Yeah, you guys are natural cheerleaders!" Addison said letting go of Wyatt.

"We wolves, work well together," Wyatt said looking back and forth at both you and Addison.

"We aren't werewolves." You said chuckling at him, as you tried to ignore the pang you felt in your heart from when you saw Addison and Wyatt hugging.

Just as Wyatt opened his mouth to add to what you were saying Wynter, burst out coughing, doubling over as she held onto her stomach.

"Wynter?" Wyatt called turning towards her, with concern.

You and Bree ran to her side. Her eyes were amber as she got down on her knees, continuing to cough. As she continued to cough, after a hot minute, she stopped coughing to look at you.

"Thank you, both of you." She said smiling at you and Bree.

You and Bree let go of Wynter as she stood, up then you walked over to Addison and stood beside her. Just as Bucky made his way over to you guys laughing as he clapped for you and Addison.

"Well done, Addison, and (Y/N). With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag." He said sure of his victory.

"Bucky, this is not about politics." You said annoyedly to your perverted cousin.

"We always just felt like cheer could unite," Addison said for the both of you. You nodded beside her, doing your best not to look at Wyatt who was looking directly at, you not even trying to be discreet.

"You guys are going to make great cheer captains," Bucky said with a smile.

"We're gonna be cheer captains!" You and Addison called out together, grinning from ear to ear as you hugged each other excitedly.

Everyone in the gym began to clap loudly for you and Addison. And surprisingly the werewolves clapped as well including Wyatt who still hadn't taken his eyes off of you. This was amazing! All you had ever wanted for you and your sister, was to be a cheer captain.

"We were thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program." Addison began to excitedly tell Bucky all of the plans you had thought of together.

"Whoa. Cheer is what I say cheer's about. And it's about winning." Bucky said with a peppy grin before walking away. 

You sighed as you and Addison hung your heads. Just when you were about to suggest going home, Wyatt took Addison's hand. You watched feeling your blood boil as that dumb flirt of a wolf, flirted with your sister.

"You are a leader, Addison. But of something a lot greater than cheer." He said holding her hand, as he looked into her eyes. 

Addison looked back at him with a small, smile before looking at their hands then back at his face. You watched her blush a bit but it quickly disappeared as she spotted Zed, looking at this whole scene, from afar.

"Zed!" Addison screamed, running leaving Wyatt with me.

"Hey," Wyatt said with a smirk walking over to me.

"Forget it dog brain." You said sassily, as you walked away, leaving an embarrassed Wyatt in your tracks.

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