621 : Finish

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Chapter 621

Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

After You XiaoMo was sent by Ling Xiao into the dimension, he didn’t complain. He was still at least a little self-aware that staying there would only hinder Ling Xiao, but when he thought of You ZhenTian’s strength, he couldn’t help but worry.

He paced around the dimension. He could only hope that Ling Xiao could hang on until the transportation array activated. However, when You XiaoMo remembered that he would be of no use to anyone worrying here anyway, he entered his own dimension instead.

When Fu ZiLin saw him appear, he thought he was seeing things at first. “Little-shidi, are you okay?” He was just stewing over how to explain things to ChenLe when You XiaoMo suddenly reappeared.

You XiaoMo scratched his head awkwardly. “Um, he showed up…”

Fu ZiLin instantly knew who ‘he’ was. Besides Ling Xiao, it could be nobody else, or else he most likely wouldn’t have appeared safe and sound in the dimension. The only thing was, it seemed like Ling Xiao’s strength couldn’t compare with You ZhenTian’s…

Of course You XiaoMo knew that, but Ling Xiao was so smart, so he shouldn’t be in any danger.

What he didn’t know was that, although Ling Xiao indeed wouldn’t let himself be in any danger, he was also someone who would seek revenge just for an angry look. Since he got hurt last time, he would demand repayment and interest back for it from You ZhenTian’s body this time.

From You ZhenTian’s perspective, the place where Ling Xiao was standing was already swallowed up by the black snake.

But inside, where he couldn’t see, a wall made up of several hundred transparent glass crystals surrounded Ling Xiao. Each glass crystal was in a hexagonal shape, and it looked very much like the shell of the Black Tortoise.

This was the Psychic Black Turtle’s absolute defense.

The Psychic Black Turtle’s defense was number one on TongTian Continent. As one’s cultivation base increased, their ability to defend would naturally grow stronger and stronger as well. With Ling Xiao’s current cultivation base, even though he couldn’t maintain it for very long, it was enough for him to steal a bit of time.

You ZhenTian couldn’t see any of this, or else he would definitely be very surprised that Ling Xiao could use the Psychic Black Turtle’s absolute defense. If that came to be, the truth about the four bloodlines in Ling Xiao’s body would very likely be exposed, which wouldn’t be good for him at all, since there was an ancient legend concerning the Four Ancient Beast Clans’ bloodline.

Tens upon thousands of illusory black snakes attacked the absolute defense madly, as if they didn’t care about living anymore. Each one seemed like it had gone insane.

Ling Xiao sucked in a deep breath. During the past few months he was secluded, he wasn’t just nursing his wounds; if he had just been nursing his wounds, he wouldn’t have been shut away for two to three months. He could’ve recovered within five to six days. The only reason it took so long was because testing the strength of combining all four bloodlines.

Last time, he had only managed to hurt You ZhenTian because he forcefully combined them all. However, because of that, he had received an internal injury himself. This time, he didn’t plan on making the same mistake.

So while he was secluded, he had tested endlessly how to balance the four different bloodlines. Afterwards, his experiments succeeded, but he could only maintain it for a very short amount of time. The reason it had succeeded last time was most likely because of luck.

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