677 : Old Grievances

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Chapter 677

Old Grievances
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

You Quan was a mage from the Vermillion Blood Clan. Much of the reason he was able to become a grade six mage was due to the hidden treasures that the You Family had preserved since the ancient war. If he didn’t have those items to help him cultivate, it would be impossible for him to become a grade six mage.

As the only grade six mage from the Vermillion Blood Clan, his position was second only to You ZhenTian. However, he was even older than You ZhenTian since he was born not long after the ancient war ended.

If he was alive before the ancient war, he definitely wouldn’t have received much attention from the family, because back then there were countless talented people from the You Family. No matter what, it wouldn’t have come to You Quan, who was from the side branch. But that wasn’t the case after the ancient war.

During that war, nearly all of the original You Family’s people died.

As a result, You Quan inevitably rose up. After the Vermillion Blood Clan was established, You Quan became an influential person of power in the clan.

Every single family head of the Vermillion Blood Clan would rope him in. With his support, the family head position was pretty much solidified, up until You JunQi and You ZhenTian’s generation.

The former generation hoped that You Quan would support You JunQi, but You Quan chose You ZhenTian. The reason You ZhenTian could win over the Vermillion Blood Clan was in a large part related to You Quan. But very few people knew that there was actually a promise between the two of them.

You Quan helped You ZhenTian steal the family head seat, and You ZhenTian would give the Inheritance Jewel to him in return. But afterwards, You JunQi disappeared with the Inheritance Jewel and didn’t appear for many years, so they had no choice but to temporarily set aside that part of the deal.

Later, You JunQi returned, and You ZhenTian learned about the secret of the Inheritance Jewel by chance. He began to ponder how he could take the Inheritance Jewel for himself, but he didn’t have a chance to carry out this plan because he could never catch You XiaoMo.

When You Quan learned about this, You ZhenTian took advantage of the situation and told him.

Up until now, You Quan had always believed that You XiaoMo had stolen what was his. He also knew the secret about the Inheritance Jewel, or else he wouldn’t have made this request to You ZhenTian. The Inheritance Jewel could only be passed on to mages. He was the Vermillion Blood Clan’s strongest mage, so naturally the Inheritance Jewel should be returned to him.

When enemies met, they would inevitably be infuriated!

You XiaoMo wasn’t very clear about the ins and outs of the situation, but he didn’t like the expression in You Quan’s eyes at all. It was the same as You ZhenTian before, full of greed and malice. With one glance you could tell he wasn’t a good person.

“You’re so young, yet your cultivation base is already at this level. Your potential is indeed not bad, but if you didn’t have that object, there’s no way you would be at this level of cultivation. Aren’t I right, You XiaoMo?” You Quan’s eyes were full of envy, and his tone carried a hint of imperceptible unwillingness.

You XiaoMo furrowed his brows. He knew that the other person was referring to the dimension. The dimension had indeed brought him much convenience; in order to obtain his cultivation base at this day and age, the dimension was invaluable. But this old fart was clearly trying to imply that his success was completely due to the dimension.

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