706 : Simulacrum & Separation

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Chapter 706

Simulacrum and Separation
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Even as the owner of the house, You XiaoMo also could not guess what it was.

There are too many things to count in the little wooden house. There was a little bit of everything and some were little trinkets picked up from some peddlers. Most were piled into the cabinets in the little wooden house after he bought them.

You XiaoMo was hesitating whether to go and look through it or not. Ling Xiao had already gotten up and walked over so he hurried after him. He could not help but block his eyes with his hands when they opened the door of the little wooden house and saw the scene inside. It was too dazzling to the eye.

You XiaoMo put down his hand a moment later.

The light had burst out from the decorations placed on the cabinet and there were a total of twelve rays of light. A distant memory suddenly appeared in You XiaoMo’s mind upon seeing these things. It was a memory from long ago. At that time, he had not left the southern part of the Long Xiang Continent.

He remembered that he went to SiFang Town, which was famous for its sculptures, to buy a soul stone. In SiFang Town, Ling Xiao and him met a little boy who sold them twelve jade carvings that were handed down from his ancestors at a very low price. At that time, he only bought the twelve jade carvings because they looked like the twelve Zodiacs. He just thought they were nice-looking, but he didn’t realize that these jade carvings were quite extraordinary.

Under their gaze, the twelve jade carvings suddenly rose into the air. They were barely able to make out that the intense light was emitted from their bodies.

You XiaoMo tightly grasped Ling Xiao’s sleeve, “This-this-this…”

He could hardly speak a complete sentence because he was too agitated. Suddenly, he had an intuition that the twelve jade carvings might be the key to help Ling Xiao to break through.

Ling Xiao gripped his hand, yet his eyes never left the jade carvings. He could feel an unknown powerful aura, but there was also a feeling of familiarity. The several bloodlines within his body began to pulse, as if a resonance had been created within his body.

The twelve jade carvings rotated in the air, and the light became more and more dazzling. At last, You XiaoMo could not help closing his eyes. As a result, there was only one jade carving in front of him when he opened his eyes again.

The jade carvings looked like a Milu. This is the first thought that came into You XiaoMo’s mind after seeing it. Of course, he was not referring to the Milu from the animal kingdom. The original name of the Milu was an elk, and the Milu here was not an elk. The Milu quietly floated in the air.

Just as You XiaoMo was thinking of walking over, Ling Xiao suddenly pulled him back. You XiaoMo was about to turn his head and question him when the jade carving of the Milu changed.

The Milu jade carving emitted a faint ray of light. The next second, the light lengthened and instantaneously transformed into a human figure wrapped in light, making it hard to make out its appearance.

You XiaoMo jumped out of his skin. He turned and threw himself into Ling Xiao’s embrace while the latter took the opportunity to hug his waist at the same time.

A moment later, a reserved sigh sounded, as if it had been sleeping for thousands of years. The figure that could not be seen clearly opened its mouth as a somber tone came from it, “Now that twelve jade carvings have been activated, it means that a person with four types of bloodlines has reappeared. Regardless of who you are, I will only say it once before I’ll disappear, so please listen carefully…”

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