667 : Assemblage Begin

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Chapter 667

Assemblage Begin
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Zu Ma returned to their room at the ShuangYu Hotel with her people from Black Spider. After entering, she swept the tea set off the table in anger.

Though it wasn’t very loud, it still caught the attention of the employee assigned to the floor. However, before he even got to the door, the guards outside sent him off. The employee was hesitant at first, but left when they promised they’d compensate the hotel for the damages.

“Dammit! Who was it; how dare they mess with me!” Zu Ma’s anger twisted her features, destroying the innocent demeanor and pure face she put on outside. Now, she was practically a venomous monster.

Originally, she absolutely had to have that Dragon Ginseng Grass, even though it was a grade seven pill ingredient. However, with her current strength and position, so long as she could win first place in the assemblage, then she was certain she could break through to grade seven. She had never expected that someone would interfere halfway.

Zu Ma couldn’t accept it.

Though the Everdragon Herb was known for being something that was supplied but no one could ever afford, it was still an extremely rare Level Twelve magic herb. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have had to search for so long only to find an immature stalk. Waiting for it to mature would take several thousand years. She couldn’t wait so long, and neither could ShaoYi.

“Go and find the identity of the one who dared ruin my plans!” Zu Ma ordered Tao Lin, who was standing in front of her, face cold.

The person on Zu Ma’s right was the older brother, Tao Sen. The two were siblings, both at Level Eleven. One was impulsive and aggressive while the other was careful and intelligent, supplementing each other well, so Lin ShaoYi had them follow Zu Ma as her underlings.

Hearing this, elder brother Tao Sen’s gaze darkened, asking bloodthirsty, “Holy maiden, should I go and kill them and take back the Everdragon Herb?”

“You?” Zu Ma raised an eyebrow, looking down at him. “No wonder our leader told me you’re all brawn and no brains; you really fit the description. Which of those who could attend that market isn’t a powerhouse? That person is at least grade five, even ten of you added together wouldn’t be able to match him. We have to carefully plan this.”

“Holy maiden, then the Luck Creation Pill…” Tao Sen hesitantly began.

Zu Ma intoned calmly, “There’s no need to worry about the Luck Creation Pill. If he can provide the pill recipe for the Luck Creation Pill, then he must have more. Once we get the Dragon Ginseng Grass, then the Luck Creation Pill will be ours.”


They were preparing to look into You XiaoMo’s identity and many of the others at market had the same idea. Some had even left with the lady, clearly aiming for the Luck Creation Pill she had. It was up to her to see if she could shake them off.

After the market ended, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao headed directly for the forum.

The forum was in a different place from the market, so the mages and practitioners interested had to leave. Some followed them from a distance but upon seeing them heading towards the forum, changed their mind.

Generally, no one would be cloaked at the forum, so they could find out their identity there.

The two arrived at the forum and, as expected, saw Qiao WuXing and Jiu Ye. Because of their masters, practically everyone at the forum recognized them. In an attempt to get on the good side of the two successors of the two big Guilds, many people surrounded them, all trying to speak with them.

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