668 : Luck3& Unlucky

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Chapter 668

Lucky and Unlucky
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

In the huge plaza, the amount of heads packed in there were more than three days ago, when it was sign up day. If someone had trypophobia, they wouldn’t be able to stand it.

Today was the official start date of the Mage Assemblage. Other than the participants, everywhere else was filled with crowds of onlookers. Those of the XiaoYao Institution were in a mess due to the lack of people in such a busy time, that they had to ask for the help of the two other associations.

You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao split up by the entrance.

The entrance had two tunnels, one headed towards the auditorium whereas the other was for the competition halls.

Other than the referee and the participants, no one else was allowed in there. Even the judges were outside in their area.

Speaking of judges, this time, there were five of them. There was the well known principal and head elder of the XiaoYao Institution, the other three were from the Mage Association and the Beast Transfiguration Guild. Both Jiu Ye and Qiao WuXing’s Shifu were amongst them.

There was only fifteen minutes left before the competition started and the five judges were already seated.

Once You XiaoMo got in, he immediately saw Jiu Ye and Qiao WuXing. The two arrived early and were waiting for him by the entrance. Although there was a lot of people passing, but when he came in, they immediately spotted him.

“Brother XiaoMo, here!”

You XiaoMo heard Qiao WuXing’s voice and looked over to see him waving. Beside him was the cool-handsome one, Jiu Ye. He instantly walked over.

“You guys have been waiting here for a while, right?” You XiaoMo walked over and greeted them with a smile. He ignored the jealous stares from the other participants, after all, there was a big difference between forming a group and not.

“It wasn’t that long. Anyways, there was still fifteen minutes till the competition, we’re going to be waiting either way!” Qiao WuXing said casually, it was the truth after all.

You XiaoMo rubbed his nose.

“The next competition is likely to be a mixed battle. Be careful, a lot of them is watching you.” Jiu Ye said with his calm handsome face.

You XiaoMo knew who he was talking about. But speaking of which, he realized that he had quite a lot of enemies.

There was Zu Ma from the Black Spider, she should know of their existence, after all, once the trade fair was over, they didn’t hide their appearances. Thus, at this point, she should know it was them. As for the Vermillion Blood Clan, he didn’t know who You ZhenTian was going to send, but he was certain that they were going to use this opportunity to deal with him.

There were two more.

You XiaoMo didn’t forget Su Lang and Yan Hui, who were both mages, as well as being part of the Black Spider. The two would probably also be participating, he should pay attention to that too.

By the looks of things, there were only four people, but it’s hard to say if they bribed any more.

You XiaoMo thought about it and said, “No worries, even if it’s a mixed battle, I don’t think I’ll be that unlucky to face against the Black Spider and the Vermillion Blood Clan at the same time. Even if that does happen, I’m not too weak myself.”

“That’s true, your luck has always been good!” Qiao WuXing said laughing.

Fifteen minutes quietly passed away as they were talking and with it a huge ringing sound spread through the plaza from a gong. The loud chatter slowly quieted down into silence.

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