718 - 719 : [Extra 5 & 6]

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Chapter 718

Who was it?
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Sure enough, You XiaoMo went to Johnson after returning and asked him to bring out the information on the victims.

Johnson was surprised. After all, their mission was over. Why would he be looking at this information at this time? However, seeing that they had just performed a meritorious deed, he quickly passed the information to You XiaoMo. Although the case ten years ago was quite sensational, the list of victims were not a secret that could not be disclosed.

You XiaoMo ran to Ling Xiao with the information. He did not read it immediately as he needed someone to act as a sedative and stay beside him for these kind of things. Ling Xiao was very speechless upon hearing this, but he still listened to him.

The two locked themselves in the room. You XiaoMo was trembling all over as he put the information on the table, spread it out and turned a page. Then he stuttered at Ling Xiao, “You… help me look at it.”

“You coward.” Ling Xiao scolded, before he decisively picked up the information and quickly glanced through it. Under the latter’s expectant eyes, he simply said, “Nothing.”

You XiaoMo’s eyes suddenly lit up, “You Lu’s name is really not inside?”

Ling Xiao threw the information onto the table, “Not only isn’t there anyone named You Lu inside, there’s not even a student surnamed You in it.”

“Not even a single one?” You XiaoMo was stunned. He immediately snatched the information up for a look. Sure enough, there was really was no student surnamed You. However, this was impossible. You Bo really appeared in front of him today, and he even thanked him on behalf of the You family and gave him magic pills. He knew that magic pills were very precious upon seeing the expression of the Vice Principal.

Why would You Bo thank him and say it was on behalf of the You family if no one from the You family was killed? He did not think You Bo would do this for someone of a different surname. The You Bo in his memories was extremely haughty unless he was in front of his family. It was impossible for him to do this. There must be some reason.

However, it was great that You Lu was not on the list. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“What the hell is going on? Why am I so confused?!” You XiaoMo was completely at a loss.

“Don’t think about it anymore.” Ling Xiao instructed. There were two possibilities in this case. The first was that the names of the deceased on this list was not complete. It was possible that someone’s name or the names of a group of people were hidden for some reason. The second possibility was that one of the students had a close relationship with the You family and they had treated this person as a family member.

You XiaoMo immediately changed his perspective and began to think.

Leaving aside the first possibility, the second possibility did not seem to be very probable. If that student really established a familial relationship with the You family, the greatest possibility was that either You Bo or You Lu married a wife and had a son or daughter.

It was the only possibility with his understanding of the You family. This was because his family would only be so active in looking for the killer, and even thank them face to face, if the person was a relative. They would just give an indication of thanks at most if they weren’t, as other than him, the rest of his family were all exotic flowers.

Although his family members were usually quite apathetic and unable to express their emotions, they would use their actions to express their concern for their families, and the only people who could get this kind of treatment were those who had really become a family member to them.

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