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A few things before the chapter: someone needs to take my phone away from me because I have to fight the urge to make cringey Tik Toks. Also, I tried to watch Hamilton for the first time today, but my fucking brother and his S/O were in the same room and wouldn't stop talking and screeching so I couldn't hear a damn thing. Really pissed me off because I've been dying to watch the musical because my last name is literally Hamilton. But nope, couldn't enjoy a thing. Also, in the next few chapters, very bad things are gonna happen and you guys are gonna be BEYOND pissed. I mean, BEYOND. Like, you'll want to kill me. Oh, and I keep wanting to give you guys spoilers but I freaking can't because I'm so excited about the VERY end of this book series but I can't freaking spoil it. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, folks. (Enjoy the total nostalgic bop above.)

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

-Later That Day-

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! The William Barrow?!" I hear Stiles exclaiming in the hallway. "The shrapnel bomber? Spotted nearby?"

"Hunter, Sweetie, stay here." I tell my baby brother and he nods. I exit my empty classroom, following the sound of my brother.

"A little closer than nearby, actually." Noah tells him in a hushed voice. I reach them just as Agent McCall rushes past with a bunch of officers and another teacher.

"How do we get down to the basement?" The teacher rushes him past us, heading for the room. "I need to know where every entrance is. I don't want anybody coming in or out of the school."

"Dad, what's really going on here?" Stiles asks.

I stand there with crossed arms as he explains the whole situation to us.

"So there's a psychotic mass murderer loose and he's looking for kids with glowing eyes?" I scoff, crossing my arms. "Great. Just great."

"Look, I need to get back to the others. Lyrica, will you-?"

"Yeah, I'll handle it." I nod, cutting Noah off but also dismissing him. He rushes off and I turn to Stiles. "The others should be in the classroom by now. Let's go."

"But it's lunch?" Stiles frowns but follows me nonetheless.

"Isaac always eats with me and Hunter. Allison has been glued to his side recently, and where Allison goes, Lydia goes. When they see Hunter in there without me, they wait. They'll be there."

"Why the heck did you leave Hunter alone?"

"I knew you were close and I knew Isaac would be there shortly. Chill." I can't help but chuckle.

"Mom, where were you?" Isaac asks as soon as we enter the classroom.

"I was talking to the sheriff. There's a murderer on the loose, potentially in the school. And he's after kids with glowing eyes. Nobody goes anywhere without backup. Nobody is to be left alone, and if you see anything, you run. Your lives are more important than your pride. Where's Scott?" I quickly inform the others.

"I haven't seen him since this morning." Stiles answers my question and I sigh.

"Alright. You guys start searching. I'll take Hunter and go look for Scott."

We all leave the room, the teens heading towards the lower floor while I follow Scott's scent.


"Yeah, Hunter?" I ask, looking down at the young boy.

"Why is the bad man coming after glowing eyes?"

"Because we're different."

"Is that bad?" Hunter stops, looking up at me through teary eyes. "I don't wanna be bad."

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