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This chapter is being posted early thanks to the wonderful person with the IG username of x_amyn15_x! I apologize if I mess up any part of the username! My handwriting is crap so I can barely read what I wrote down.

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

I rush into the emergency room with Derek hot on my heels. I ignore everyone around me and rush up to Noah after spotting his figure further down the hall.

"Where is he? What the hell happened to my brother?!" I don't mean to yell, but it happens anyway. Noah's eyes widen and he looks around us. People are probably staring, but I don't care.

"Calm down, Lyrica." Derek's voice is quiet and I feel his hand wrap around my wrist.

"No. Where the hell is he, Noah?!" I exclaim, not even sparing a glance at my husband.

"Follow me." Noah turns and leads us towards the elevators. I dig my nails into my palms as we wait for the elevator, and Derek places a hand over mine, prying my hand open and tightly holding it to keep me from doing it again. After what feels like ages, the elevator finally arrives and we all step inside.

"Explain, Noah." I demand as he presses the button for the second floor.

"Everything was going fine." He sighs. "Hunter had gotten a bunch of candy and we were on our way back to the house. We took a shortcut that Stiles, and I always take. It was a long and open alley. We were halfway through it when these strange shadowy people showed up. They surrounded us. They attacked us. I protected Hunter the best I could. But they managed to knock me down and they got to him. I don't know what happened, but they disappeared and he was on the ground shaking and freezing. I called 911. They came and rushed us to the hospital. They patched me up while they were stabilizing him."

"So what's wrong with him?" I ask, just now noticing the cuts and bruises adorning the sheriff. He has a decent cut on his cheek along with a black eye forming. Various other scratches litter his face and hands, and he's favoring his right arm. The elevator opens and Noah leads us to the children's unit and then into room 613. My heart breaks at the sight in front of me.

"They said he faced something so traumatic that his body went into shock. His body temperature dropped below hypothermic. He's unconscious. They don't know when he'll wake up." Noah explains while I slowly walk up to the side of the bed. Tears pour from my eyes, but I don't care. I sit in the chair next to the bed and take a hold of Hunter's right hand. It's so cold.

"Lyrica." Derek's voice pulls me from my thoughts. He's on the other side of Hunter, moving the hair out of the way to check behind his left ear. "He's got it too."

"Then why didn't his healing kick in?" I frown.

"It did. In a sense." Noah says.

"What do you mean?" Derek asks.

"I broke his arm before I called 911. It had healed by the time the ambulance arrived."

"What was his pulse?" Derek frowns.

"They don't know. They couldn't get a clear enough reading." Noah sighs. "The only reason they knew he was alive was because he was breathing."

"Great. Just great." I drag my fingers through my hair. "Thank you for calling us and for trying to protect him."

"Of course. Look, I need to get to work. I'll pop in whenever I can. Let me know if anything changes, would you?"

"Will do." I sigh. "Also, don't tell Stiles just yet. He doesn't need to worry about him just yet."

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